Friday, June 6, 2014

Thighs for the Guys- Quad Moves to Get you in Short Shorts ASAP!

Happy Friday!

Pull out your summer shorts, skirts and dresses! It's getting hot out here and you've got legs to show off. Here's my favorite thigh trimming moves to get your legs lookin' slim and shapely!

#1 Front Squat

Place a barbell across your chest with nice, relaxed wrists. Feet a little wider than shoulder width apart, toes pointed forward, press hips back like a regular squat. Press up from the entire bottom of the foot. Head up. 

#2 Squat Jumps

With arms behind the head and feet right about shoulder width apart and toes pointed forward, drops hips back without allowing the knees to go over the toes. Come down until thighs are parallel with the floor and then as you exhale, drive straight up into a hop allowing feet to leave the floor, chest and head tall. Land softly and drop down for your next rep.

#3 Overhead Walking Lunge

Using a barbell, dumbbells, medicine ball or simply holding your arms locked out above your chest, take a large step forward with your right foot allowing the left knee to bend until both legs come to 90 degrees. Press up through the bottom of the right foot and bring left foot forward for your next rep.

#4 Abduction/Adduction

Perform hip adduction or abduction using an inner outer thigh machine at your gym. This can also be done using a cable with a foot attachment.

#5 Lateral Lunge

Keeping both feet pointed forward, step directly to the side with your right foot dropping down, pressing your hips back and keeping your left leg straight. Stand up out of the lunge bring your right foot back to center, and repeat on the other side.

#6 Walking Band Abduction

Place a band around your legs, just above your calf and below your knees. Drop down into a quarter squat keeping head and chest high. With both feet pointed forward take a step directly out to the side with your right foot and then follow with the left, resisting the band as you bring your feet back together. Complete 10-12 reps and then go the opposite direction, leading with the left foot and following with the right.

#7 Split Squats

Place the top of your left foot behind you on an elevated surface such as a bench, physioball, aerobic step, etc. Step out with your right foot away from the bench and drop down into a low lunge, making sure that your front knee does not go over your toes. Keep your head and chest high. Press back up pushing from the front foot rather than the back. Complete reps and then repeat with right foot on the elevated surface.

9. Plyo Jacks

Think regular jumping jack, but when your legs hop out wide they are going to simultaneously drop into a squat. Then hop back up bringing feet together and hands to your sides like a normal jumping jack.

10. Wall Sit

Walk feet out from the wall so that when you lower into the seated position you have about 90 degree angles at your knees and hips. In other words, your thighs will be parallel with the floor and your feet are out far enough the your knees are directly over your ankles. Keeping your entire back completely against the wall, hold here for anywhere from 30-60 seconds as one set.

Also of Possible Interest:
Top Ten Tank Top Ready Moves
Best Moves for your Best Backside

Your turn! What are you favorite moves to work your quads?

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