Monday, May 19, 2014

Top 10 Tank Top Ready Moves

Happy, happy Monday!

I am in a super smiley mood this morning because I have my favorite company coming to visit this weekend. I am picking up Michael at the Myrtle Beach airport on Friday and it can't get here fast enough. Hoping for sunny weather to enjoy this Memorial Day weekend. This week is going to be just as crazy as always as I try to get all my work done, clean, get my workouts in and prepare for Michael.

With just over 10 days left in May, Summer is almost here. Put away the hoodies and long-sleeves because we all know that the hotter it gets, the smaller our clothing becomes. But, you're going to be ready, because today I've got the moves for you to strut your stuff in your favorite summer tanks with super sculpted shoulders, triceps and biceps!

#1 Standing Scaption

Thumbs pointed up, palms facing each other. Raise to shoulder height with straight arms and lower back down. Think of creating a 30 degree angle from your body so you aren't doing a lateral raise (side) and you're not doing a front raise, you're in between that. Image source

#2 Single Arm Cable Rear Deltoid

Stand with the cable directly to your right side, arm's length away, cable at shoulder height. Using a D-ring, grab the cable across your body with your left hand, keeping the smallest bend in your elbow possible, just enough to keep it from being locked out. Think pulling from the upper back, keeping the rest of your body completely still. Image Source

#3 Medicine Ball Pushups

Find a nice plank position either on your toes or from a modified position with knees on the floor. Place the medicine ball under your right hand and lower chest down toward the floor. Push up and as you do, roll the ball from your right hand over to your left. Repeat. Image source.

#4 Dumbbell Clean and Press

Definitely a much higher level of strength training, this move does require some experience as the technique is a bit tricky to get down. I've also included a video to help you get a better idea of what the form should look like. Image source.

#5 Kickback with a twist

Hinge forward at the waist, gazing up to keep a flat, neutral spine. Bring your right elbow to 90 degrees at your side. Without lifting the elbow, "kick back" the weight to straighten your arm. As you straight the arm, internally rotate the wrist to end with your thumb pointing toward your body, palm facing up. Image source.

#6 Skull Crushers

Lying on a bench with an E-Z curl bar, start with your arms straight above the top of your chest. Keeping the elbows and shoulders in the same position, bend at the elbows to lower the hands toward the forehead and then lock it back out. Image source.

#7 Concentration Curls

Sitting on the edge of a bench, lean forward with one dumbbell in your right hand and press the back of your right arm (directly under the tricep) against your right inner thigh. Holding your arm in place, spread your knees wide enough to allow you to curl the dumbbell straight up toward your shoulder, turning the pinky in slightly at the top. Slowly lower with control. Image source.

#8 Front/Lat Raise Combo

Lateral Raise- palms face down, elbows locked out, raise arms by your sides until shoulder height then slowly lower. Alternate reps with front raises.

Front Raise- Palms facing down, elbows locked out, raise arms in front of you until shoulder height then slowly lower. Image source.

#9 T Push Up

Start in push up position. Lower chest to floor for one push up, come all the way up to arms fully extended and twist open to the right bringing a straight arm above your side until you form a T shape. Slowly lower back, complete another push up and twist open to the opposite side. Image source.

#10 Prone Incline Dumbbell Reverse Flyes

Step 1

 Step 2
Lie face down on an incline bench with feet supporting you on the ground. With a dumbbell in each hand and rounded elbows (think hugging a tree), meet the dumbbells together directly underneath you and raise out to the side without bending the elbows, squeeze the shoulder blades together and then slowly, lower back down. Image source.

Your turn!
What are your favorite upper arm moves to get you ready for sleeveless everything??

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