Thursday, June 5, 2014

Recent Reads - Good Stuff Worth Sharing

Good afternoon!

I. Am. Exhausted!

Who else is ready for Friday?

This week has been filled with killer running practices and my legs are feeling it, let me tell ya! I am excited to focus on some cross training and light lifting the next couple days. And who would have ever thought I'd be celebrating the fact that I only have seven miles to run on Sunday. Ha!

Recent Reads
When I started this blog, I was really inspired by other health advocates and their adventures. One of the most fun and interesting ways for me to stay up to date in my field of exercise physiology and nutrition, without getting bored to tears from too many research articles, is by following fun-loving, informative blogs. Now, after a year of blogging success with my own personal journey, I still to this day, open up my blogger webpage to see the "news feed" of all of the blogs I follow and their latest posts.

Some of the good stuff this week...

From Carly Harrill, guest posting here, I learned the reason why produce has seemed so expensive lately, and four tips to try to keep my costs down while still eating as many plant foods as possible.

  1. Buy frozen fruits/veggies- usually cheaper than fresh fruits and veggies and have a longer shelf life.
  2. Shop at your local farmers market- By avoiding the grocery store, which is essentially the middle man anyway, you will get products cheaper and typically fresher.
  3. Grow your own veggies- Cant wait to try this when I have a house!
  4. Chop your own- Did you know that pre-cut fruits and veggies stored conveniently in plastic containers are typically 60% more expensive? 60 percent!!!! I'm definitely guilty of buying my plants this way because they are so stinkin' convenient. But it is definitely worth the time invest to cut our own as these prices continue to increase. 

From a blog I absolutely love, cancer survivor and vegan,, one of her recent posts coaches us on how to encompass "Healthy Bragging" in order to help build self confidence. The emphasis she places on the importance of self-love is great for all Fitties, as we know we are by far, our toughest critics.

Two of my favorite suggestions from this post were the following:

"4. Stop comparing. It’s hard to honor your special brag if you’re constantly measuring against others. They’ve got their thing, you’ve got yours. There’s room for all kinds of crazy kink in the world. Rather than getting jealous, or feeling inferior, allow others’ success to remind you that everything is possible. If you feel icky, examine where it’s coming from. An old wound that needs mending? Desires that aren’t big enough? Perhaps you want what they got and you realize that you’re just not aiming high enough. Fantastic! Stretch your dreams." 
I AM GUILTY of playing the comparison game almost daily. I need to focus on this when it comes to body image, and my running improvements. 
"5. Like attracts like—focus on the good! In her book, Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts, my friend Regena Thomashauer, (the Queen of teaching women how to have a healthy brag) says that “Bragging about the goodness in your life, especially your pleasurable accomplishments, unearths your desires and fans the flames of desire in other women. In talking about the good, more good can come your way.” PS. She also teaches us that women don’t brag nearly enough."
Great quote! As a major worrier and sufferer of anxiety, I definitely can work on focusing on the good things so that I can welcome even more good in my life!

I also recently finished the book Destined to Run by Wes Harding. He calls this autobiography his "spiritual journey from couch potato to ironman" and that's exactly what it was. I loved the fact that this book included many motivational quotes, as well as how he directly related his spiritual life to his running. Thanks to my WOL teammate Anthony for letting me borrow it. Great story for non-runners as well! Here's the synopsis:

"Destined to Run is the inspirational new book by and about Wes Harding of  Sarnia, Ontario Canada and tells the story of his journey from overweight and inactive couch potato to marathon runner, triathlete and Ironman finisher.

Harding joins with renowned author Todd Civin to share the  highlights and low lights of his amazing life and the challenges he has overcome along the way. 

Harding, a principal and teacher at Temple Christian Academy in Sarnia shares the incredible stories of how he has walked with God in order to remain faithful and remain on the life path that God has established for him." 

Share with us!
What good books/articles have you read lately?



  1. Oh that sounds like a great book. I may need to ask Anthony if he will share it with me!

  2. You need to! It was really good, and it's a quick read for someone who can spend more than 10 minutes at a time on it! I can't wait to break into the marathon books you let me borrow next!
