Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Antioxidants and Recovery for Runners

Happy National Running Day!

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Michael runs so he can eat six donuts and then say...

He did get up and run with me at 6am last weekend. So, I can't help but adore him.

After a very challenging running practice last night, my butt was in bed at 8 and asleep by 9:30. This is completely normal for me, but I am then able to get up around 5:30-6 without a problem. I was so tired this morning, when my alarm went off at 6am, I snoozed it until 8am! I'm blaming this on my coaches for putting me in a faster group than normal last night. I have been making some slow improvements and am finally seeing my times getting faster. But my increase in mileage must be supplemented with better, whole nutrient foods if I want to continue to make progress.

More than ever, I am thinking about how important it is to get in as many plant foods as possible for my recovery. Plants such as fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes contain the highest amount of vitamins and minerals as compared to any other foods. Vitamins and minerals are not only important for every aspect of general health, but one of their main functions is to fight off oxidative stress which causes sickness and diseases such as cancer. You've heard of antioxidants, right? Fruits and veggies that contain antioxidants are imperative to keep our immune systems running smoothly as they fight off this oxidative stress. 

This is where being a runner is different than being a lifter. For lifting, my primary focus for recovery was protein, protein and more protein to build my torn-down muscles back up. As a runner, although protein is still important, recovery isn't just about replenishing glycogen and muscle stores with good carbs and lean proteins. We are also constantly testing our immune systems with tough, grueling workouts. After a hard run, our immune system is actually down for the next 24 hours. During this time, we are much more susceptible to illness should a virus or bacteria come our way. There are three main things we can do to combat illness due to supressed immune systems after a tough run:

1. Rest- including off days and consistently getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
2. Drinking water constantly, before you're thirsty! If you feel thirsty, you're already dehydrated.
3. Increasing our antioxidant intake via diet.

Best Sources of Antioxidants
  • Veggies
  • Tea
  • Fruits
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Grains
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Red Wine

Enjoy National Running Day by signing up for a race, or hitting the pavement or your favorite trail today.
Then, tell us, why do you run?

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