Monday, June 2, 2014

Motivation Monday

I discovered a very delicious juice after my 10 mile run yesterday...

The Evolution Fresh juices sold at Starbucks are cold-pressed juices that have low calorie options and contain no added sugar. The amount of fruits and veggies in each one is what caught my eye. I have been trying to be a lot more conscious of what I'm refueling with after my workouts. As my weekly mileage goes up, the need for good, wholesome, nutrient-rich foods does as well. Grabbing a 100-260 calorie juice with over 10 different plants in it is going to be a much better post-run meal than the typical whole wheat bagel with cream cheese I usually get. 

I looked these juices up online to see if I could find them cheaper, and what do you know, Evolution Fresh actually has it's own stores! There are three in Seattle, Washington (of course!) and one in California. Lucky for me, they sell these juices in my local Harris Teeter as well, so I will be doing some price comparisons next time I go grocery shopping. 

The 10 mile run to cap off my 14th week of running felt great! Although I had a few little aches and pains, nothing was outside of the norm of an increased mileage week. I met two women from Without Limits near the beach. We did five miles together, and then I went off on my own to complete my second half of the run, since they were only doing six miles total. We started at 7:00am which allowed me to sleep in a little and it was chilly enough to wear tights, yay! By the end of the run, it was still below 70 degrees so it worked out great. 

After my run, I got ready for church, and then hit the pool for a couple hours before heading over to my friend Kendrick's house for a barbecue. It was a great Sunday Run-day! 

Kendrick feeding her baby, Cinny! Hooray for food!

If you're anything like me, a fun day like that makes a long Monday at work d..r..a..g on and on. So, I thought it might be good to give you guys a little Monday Motivation this afternoon for those of you are are still at work. 

BOOM. Okay, so it's not exactly a 4:00pm latte, but it helped, right? 

Have a good one!

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