Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hating "Off" Days

Hello, and happy Thursday!

Did you guys miss me? I know my mom did...she likes to keep tabs on me via my blog, so when I don't write for a few days, she thinks I'm dead.

Me and my beautiful Mommy Christmas 2014

Did I mention that I have the best, most caring parents possible? I do. I love them so very much!

So this morning...ugh! Talk about frustration. I had running practice and it did not go as well as I had anticipated when my alarm went off at 4:23am. My legs are nothing short of burnt out, despite a 3-day running break after the Wrightsville Beach Half Marathon 10 days ago. It was 30 degrees when we started, but surprisingly, didn't feel overwhelmingly cold. After our one mile warm up, we had a ladder to complete-400m, 800, 1200, 1 mile, 1200, 800 and one more 400m interval. The entire workout would have been 5 miles, but unfortunately, my body was not havin' it today.

After my first half of the ladder was complete, my coach wasn't believing my lies when I said my legs were fine. After a tough workout Tuesday, my legs have been super tight and extremely achey. Needless to say, I was kicked out and moved over to do some cool down laps in the grass on my own.

This is my fifth week of serious running and I have already done a half and went from not running at all, to running 5-6 miles at a time, three days a week. Being a former athlete, it is SO hard to accept feeling defeated. I was so disappointed in myself this morning when I showed, what I felt in the moment, were obvious signs of weakness. Seeing the panic all over my face of not getting my entire run in, my coach talked me through the nonsense going on in my head. My next half marathon is in four weeks. Up until four weeks ago, I wasn't even running. Adaptation takes time, and despite my impatience, I'm making improvements. Instead of feeling defeated, I need to listen to what my body is telling me, and that is, rest. Stretch more, foam roll, take better care of myself while I'm not working out.

So, although I am still a little upset that I'm not superwoman, I have accepted this morning as just an "off day", and am going to be better about my recovery habits when I'm not running to improve my performance on the track. The only cardio I will be doing tomorrow is biking. Saturday I get to try a 30 minute jog and see how I feel. Here's to hopin' my body cooperates and heals up quickly!

Hope you have a "On" Thursday!

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