Friday, March 14, 2014

1/2 Marathon Madness

It's been a little over a 18 months since my last half marathon. I have run two half marathons in my life. The first one, untrained, took place about a year after I had meniscus surgery on my left knee. Besides that fact that it was below freezing in Huntington, WV that day, I felt fantastic the whole race other than some slight knee pain during mile 13. That was my fastest run at 2 hours and 12 minutes. Not bad for a lifter who doesn't run much.

The second half marathon I ran occurred a few months after moving to Wilmington, NC. I decided to "run" the Battleship Half Marathon which in my opinion, was a hilly beast. I puked on mile two and ran the remainder of the race with throw up my leg. I made a vow that morning, that this race in particular would be the last half marathon I ever run.

Welp, that lasted about as long as a New Years Resolution. I found myself bored outside of work and decided, what the heck? Let's join Without Limits Running and train for another one...or two. I think I'm suffering from this "Marathon Madness." With that being said, I am less than 48 hours out from what is supposed to be a pretty flat race course. I am running this 13.1 miles as a training race to give me a good goal for the Divas half marathon in Myrtle Beach on April 27th. My goal is around 2 hours and 20 minutes but truthfully, I am not concerned whatsoever about my time. I just want to get the miles in.

The best part about the few days before a big race? I can eat a few extra carbs. Gummy bears anyone?

Your turn!
Tell us about your worst race experience.

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