Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Benefits of Just ONE Workout

Have you ever been too busy to exercise or asked yourself, "It's just one workout, will it really matter if I skip it?"

The truth is, we can get a ton of immediate benefits from just one workout. We talk about the long term benefits of a consistent exercise routine all the time, but did you know that exercise is so highly effective that it can increase your entire well-being in just one, 30-minute session? Before you consider skipping out on that gym date with your buddy, think again!

The Immediate Benefits of Just One Workout
  • Physiological "feel good" changes happen within seconds after we begin exercise. Our heart rate increases, body temperature goes up, and blood is delivering oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles creating an almost immediate mood boost.

  • Even more mood boosting benefits are released into the body in the form of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine- hormones that make us happy!

  • We utilize food and calories for immediate energy instead of storing them as fat. Woohoo!!! 

  • After one exercise session, we have an immediate improvement in cognitive function- aka our brain works better, faster, more efficiently. So before you skip that morning workout to cram for your midterm exam or prepare for that interview, consider how much better you may do with a little extra, brainpower-boosting workout!

  • Your motivation will reach it's peak during and immediately after exercise as endorphins start to release, creating that great "I can do this" feeling that will keep you coming back for more.

  • Did you know that every single sweat session you complete challenges your immune system, ultimately making it stronger? We don't have to wait around to see the long-term benefits for this one, but rather about 24 hours when we are fully recovered.

  • You'll be blasting a higher percentage of calories during the remainder of your normal activities throughout the rest of the day.

  • Your lungs are getting stronger right away. Because you have to breathe harder and deeper, not only are you going to challenge your heart and other muscles, you will also be working your lungs to help them continue to function efficiently on a day to day basis.
So next time you find yourself thinking, "I can't commit to a workout routine," remember all of the awesome benefits you can get from just one exercise session- no commitment necessary! Keep in mind that in the long-term, a more consistent routine is necessary for benefits such as weight maintenance and loss. But, looking at each workout one at a time, might be just what you need to start being more consistent in your routine. So start focusing on the immediate benefits and go get your sweat on!

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