Friday, January 24, 2014

Peanut Butter + Banana = Love

As I'm typing this up I'm not even sure if my nose is still attached. It's so cold it hurts today, and although I enjoy the random 60 degree day, this up and down fluctuation with the weather is starting to drive me insane! I've never lived in a place where it is 20 degrees when I wake up and 5 degrees lower and hour later. Isn't it supposed to get warmer as the sun rises? Winter in Wilmington is so strange!

After begging the Fitness Pups to do their business quickly this morning, I headed off to the gym for a 35 minute cardio sesh on the elliptical consisting of two different interval workouts for 15 minutes each. I kept the resistance low- between a 3-5. For the first 15 minutes, I sprinted every time the chorus came on during a song on my ipod. For the second 15 minutes I focused on the watts displayed- or basically what would be the level of power I was creating. I would stay between 95-100 watts for 30 seconds and then kick it up to 115 watts for 60 seconds. I repeated that until my 30 minutes was completed and then did an easy 5 minute cool down. I definitely worked up a great sweat! Doing intervals like this is a great way to beat cardio boredom. Plus, we know that intervals are optimal for fat burning and torching the maximum amount of calories in a given time period.

Breakfast happened at my desk as usual! It was half a banana, half a pocket thin, and some peanut butter. Peanut butter + banana is the ultimate winning combination in my opinion. You can't beat it!

I have a pretty easy afternoon on the agenda for today, which I have to say, I'm thrilled about. This week has been a little rough and I'm praying for a less stressful next few days. I'm planning on an afternoon lift and some WARM cuddle time with the pups. Cuddling does relieve stress after all!

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