Thursday, January 30, 2014

Confusing Business

Current photo of the PNCC Clubhouse

I have not been to work in three days now! After having Tuesday off, it snowed a few inches that evening causing basically every business in Wilmington to shut down for a while. It's pretty weird out here. I've never walked in snow that doesn't crunch under your feet. Instead, the snow laying on the ground right now is literally rock hard ice. Very dangerous! I'm grateful to be employed by a business that puts the safety of their employees first. Hopefully, we will be able to open tomorrow morning, as I am going a little stir crazy!

Yesterday, other than pup walks, we didn't leave the apartment!

The snow makes it a bit confusing about where to do our "business"...

A few places were able to open up today, so I took a very slow, 5 mph trip to the gym today around 11. I took my time and did an hour and 15 minutes of cardio and some legs. Other than that, I have been eating, watching Gossip Girl, and doing things like laundry and dishes and other chores around my apartment. Can't say it hasn't been nice to have a little break though!

A few meals I have enjoyed...

I love this new Raw Fit protein. It says its for weight loss but really, it's just a great shake for vegans because it's got 44 grams of protein per serving! It has a really mild, sweet taste and mixes perfectly with unsweetened vanilla almond milk.

Lots of freshly brewed tea to keep me warm...

Mmmm, chocolate PB2 and bananas with a sprinkle of chia seed!

Muffin is currently growling for my attention so I better give the lady what she's asking for! Catch you guys later. Stay warm my Wilmington friends!

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