Good afternoon! I hope this Sunday is finding you relaxed, warm and enjoying life!
I have been running errands since about 7:30 this morning. I have been very productive with laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, got my oil changed and even stopped at an Art Fair near by with Molly to get a Christmas present for the Fitness Pups!

After saying goodbye to my good friend and the pup's favorite sitter, Molly, (she's moving home to Boston tomorrow), I hit up the mini gym here at my apartment complex for a workout. Basically, I did 10 minutes of cardio followed by a round on each one of their machines for 12 reps at each "station". That was repeated 3 times. It looked like this:
I'm in one of those modes where I am motivated to workout but have, what I like to call, "Exercise ADD" where I want to do a million different things and get bored doing the same thing for too long. On days weeks like this, it's important to mix it up and keep things fresh by moving around. I find this to be even more challenging when I don't have the option to do things outside due to weather. The best thing for me is to feel like I'm jumping around to a bunch of different stuff and then I don't get bored! This can actually be a great advantage to burning fat and getting the most out of our bodies. Mixing up intervals with strength and cardio allows you to go harder during each section of your workout because while your heart is pumping during cardio, your muscular strength is getting a rest and vice versa during strength training. Also, getting the heart rate up before going into a strength routine increases our calorie burn so really, we can take this idea and use it to our advantage in meeting our goals!
Other ideas you might try? Something new! This is the perfect opportunity to get to the Group Exercise class you've been thinking you might like to try, go jogging with a friend, take a bike outside, or maybe get a guest pass to another gym, yoga, dance studio you might like to try out. Sometimes when we are bored with what we are doing currently, we find out other things we really enjoy that we hadn't been including in our regular routines! If you hate it, oh well. At least you got that work out in, right?
There was a break in our rainy weekend after I finished so the pups and I took a nice long walk, which we all definitely enjoyed.
Looks like I got the leashes mixed up when I put them on, Grady is NOT supposed to have Muffin's pink leash. Poor little guy.
Now I'm just finishing up the loads of laundry I started this morning, painting my nails and getting ready for a 5pm service at a new church I am trying out this evening. Looking forward to it!
Do you ever feel like you have "exercise ADD?" What is your favorite thing to do when these feelings arise?
I certainly hope Grady was not "bullied" by any passing dogs on your walk.