Monday, December 16, 2013

8 Randomly Fun Health Facts

Happy Monday afternoon. Stay strong, you're almost finished!

A couple things I like to do to get through cardio on days I'm not running, is read magazines, browse my twitter feed and read articles on my phone. This morning I grabbed a couple magazines as I headed out to the gym and I found some really fun, random facts that I thought you guys might enjoy too!

DID YOU KNOW THAT..... can never catch the same cold twice? Don't throw out that toothbrush just yet! If it's still in decent shape, you wont keep yourself from getting sick again by tossing it in the garbage. However, there are millions of different types/strains of colds, so the best thing is to wash your hands, and keep them off your face!

...during a sneeze all of your bodily functions momentarily stop, including your heart? And here's more, a sneeze can travel out of your mouth up to 100 mph. It actually may help you to hold your breathe when someone else sneezes. You can keep yourself from taking in their potentially immunity harming germs.

...reading in dim light doesn't actually damage your eyes? Reading before bed is a great way to wind down and get your body ready for sleep mode. Not only will you get better quality Zzzz's, you can also rest easy when the person on the next pillow over calls for lights out. Turn on the bedside lamp and read to your heart's desire!

...every single muscle fiber is thinner than a single strand of hair? Furthermore, each can hold up to 1,000 times it's own weight! Think about all that potential you've got in those muscles next time you go to the gym for a workout!

...every day your heart will beat around 100,000 times? That's a whole lotta love to be giving out!

...clinophobia is the fear of beds/fear of going to bed? How one could be scared of their bed...I have not a clue! I LOVE my bed! After a long day there's not a whole lot better than throwing myself onto my bed face first and giving it a nice big hug!

...sleep is more important than eating? I've read before that lack of sleep can take a person to temporary insanity and that people who drive without sleeping actually perform about the same as a drunk driver. I did not know however, that someone will actually die of sleep deprivation before starvation.

...playing with puppies and kittens has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and improve test scores? I can definitely vouch for this one! Playing with animals definitely decreases my stress and now I know why I'm so smart! ;) It's all that time with the Fitness Pups!

This morning my workout started with 30 minutes on the treadmill spent doing walk/jog intervals. Then, I took myself through a few rounds of lower body including exercises like leg presses, glute kickbacks, inner/outer thighs and hamstring curls. To finish up, I did 10 more minutes on the elliptical.

After all that cardio, I was hungry! Lunch was one that I packed this morning since the Clubhouse is closed on Mondays so I can't get my usual Asian Salad.

Amy's Tofu Breakfast Burrito, a small apple, pretzels and hummus. Plus some good ol' H2O!

Have a fantastic afternoon!

Play along! Share a fun health fact with us! 

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