Thursday, December 12, 2013

PNCC Member Spotlight- My TRX Troops

I want to take a second to talk about what a blessing it is to work with motivated individuals and the joy it gives me watching them progress over time in their personal wellness journeys. When I first started working at Porters Neck Country Club, we introduced TRX training to the club and after getting my certification, I began teaching the class three times a week. Since then, we have had a core group of members who come to the class regularly. This group has continued to impress me every week, being open to a new type of training and taking absolutely every crazy thing in the encyclopedia of moves that is my brain, that I have thrown at them. 

Monday afternoon, I threw a new spin on the class providing a different type of challenges to the group. To sum up the workout, they completed a move on the TRX for 30 seconds, followed immediately by 30 seconds of a cardio move. These same moves were repeated three times before a 30 second break. After completing 9 sets exactly like this, they would then get a minute off. It was intense and definitely got the heart rate up! 

My TRX troops responded with motivation and determination on a level I couldn't even have imagined. So many times throughout that class I had to just stop and smile and take in what was happening. Everyone was moving, and hustling and just working so hard! Not only have they come so very far since just a few months ago, but their continuous desire to get better is so refreshing for someone who has worked with a lot of unmotivated people. There are literally days where I feel the need to thank them for putting up with my crazy ideas after class because let me tell you, I throw some challenging stuff at them. 

I was excited to see photos from a couple recent events here at the Club in which my class members were looking fit and fabulous! Unfortunately, this does not include every one of our TRX regulars but I definitely wanted to highlight the ones we did get pictures of!

Mary, Nancy and Susan

Arlene is a regular TRXer and her husband, Stan, trains with our Personal Trainer weekly

To all of my TRX participants, so proud of each and every one of you!


Another breakfast burrito, shocker! Plus an apple and a tangerine on the side! On the agenda for today, lots of office work, an equipment orientation, TRX class and hopefully I wont be too exhausted to get my second run of the week in tonight. Otherwise, it will have to wait until tomorrow. 

Have a good one!

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