When I was a kid, Saturday morning's were spent with what my mom always called "gourmet" breakfast meaning, we kids made it ourselves, (usually cereal), watching cartoons and usually apprehensively cleaning my room. If the weather was bad we would go to a baseball card show with my daddy. If it was nice out, the day was spent playing baseball with all the neighborhood kids in the street.
When middle school approached, Saturdays were spent on the softball field and stayed this way through college. If it wasn't an all weekend tournament, it was practice with one of my various teams, followed by batting practice and grounders with dad. I was always one of those weird few who actually enjoyed practice just as much as games but it still was a lot of work. I was always pretty spent after the weekends.
Now, Saturdays are devoted to teaching a couple Group Exercise classes and then spending the rest of the day working out and hanging out with the Fitness Pups. We all love Saturdays because most of us that don't work all day have at least somewhat minimal obligations and the freedom to choose what our day will consist of. It's funny how little my Saturdays have changed over the years. Even though I'm still working and hitting it hard in the gym, Saturdays have that relaxing feeling that we all long for throughout the week.
I hope you enjoy yours!
What was your favorite Saturday morning hobby as a kid?
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