It's Humpday! We are halfway through the week, woohooooo! I love Wednesdays because they are eaaaasy breezy for me. I teach two classes and then play catch up all day on office work, returning phone calls etc. Nothing too crazy!
Last night, I made the mistake of going to the gym at 6pm. Boy, was it crowded! When you attend the gym at prime times such as this, you get to see a lot of really goofy stuff. It can be frustrating and/or entertaining. If you are a people watcher- this is definitely the time to get your workout in. If you are someone who likes to get in, get down to business, and get out- do not, I repeat DO NOT go to the gym between the hours of 5-8pm.
As I worked out, I mentally made a list in my head of all the unspoken rules I know that apparently I needed to share with others! Next time you are in the gym, be sure to follow these rules of etiquette. Some are safety concerns, and others should just be done to keep the gym a clean, happy place!
- Lift too heavy, especially with poor form
- Get too fired up, yell excessively, slam weights
- Come in with a pound of perfume/cologne on
- orrrr come in with poor hygiene- smelling bad, bad breath etc.
- Leave your sweat all over the machines- there are wipes/paper towels around for a reason.
- Take more than two sets of dumbbells at one time. Share the wealth!
- Do bicep curls or secondary lifts in the squat rack... You can do these anywhere, we can only Squat/Deadlift/Clean in one spot.
- Leave all your weights out. Re-rack everything when you are done!
- Talk more than you lift. Especially if you have a machine or a piece of equipment someone else might be waiting for.
- Have a 20 minute conversation on your phone
- Workout in a onesie, too-tight spandex, or something that looks like underwear. That's great that your comfortable in your own skin, but lets keep everyone else feeling comfortable too.
- Attempt to start a casual conversation with someone in the middle of a lift, or if they have headphones in.
- Be that guy that hits on every decent looking girl that walks in. We all talk about you, and not in a good way!
- Personal train anyone or give specific exercise advise if you aren't qualified.
- Check yourself out in the mirror constantly- even if you think you are being're not.
Follow these simple rules and you will be good to go. Now, get to the gym and get your workout on!
Oh, and if you have been contemplating whether or not to join myself and Pam Keenan ( and the Porters Neck Fitness Team in the Color Me Rad 5k run/walk this October, sign up before Friday to save $5.00.
Oh, and if you have been contemplating whether or not to join myself and Pam Keenan ( and the Porters Neck Fitness Team in the Color Me Rad 5k run/walk this October, sign up before Friday to save $5.00. (wilmington)
Your Turn!
What do people do at the gym that drives you crazy???
One of my biggest pet peeves is when girls with really long hair work out with their hair down, they've got to be so HOT! It makes me hot just looking at them.
What do people do at the gym that drives you crazy???
One of my biggest pet peeves is when girls with really long hair work out with their hair down, they've got to be so HOT! It makes me hot just looking at them.
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