Thursday, July 25, 2013

Rise and Grind

"When you get to point where you want to be successful, as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful.... if you really want to be successful, you have to be willing to give up sleep...."

It's no easy task becoming a morning person. Even for those of us who are natural morning people, setting the alarm that extra 60-90 minutes early changes everything. When I wake up naturally at 6-6:30am I feel a lot different than when my alarm goes off at 4:30am. However, it is a habit that I have grown accustomed too. The thought of going back to sleep always lingers in the back of my head, and probably always will. But the anxious thoughts of how great I'll feel after my workout, or I'll feel if I skip it, always pull in for the win.

There are a lot of POSITIVES to morning workouts. Here are just a couple:

  • Jump start the metabolism
  • Avoid any excuses that may cross your mind later on that will make you avoid getting it done
  • Increase your energy and mental ability to focus
  • Make breakfast taste that much better!
  • Increase your opportunity to stay consistent with your workouts
  • Start off the day right with a happy, mood boosting endorphin rush

Need more motivation? 

Check out this video clip, a "compilation of the best motivational speeches."

Or, my absolute favorite motivational video that gives me the chills every time I watch it. A MUST for baseball/softball lovers but likely motivating to anyone out there. Although this video obviously hits home for me in more ways than one, being a retired athlete.

Now it's your turn!
How do you get motivated to get up in the morning?

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