Monday, July 1, 2013

Food and Exercise Journaling

I hope everyone is enjoying their Monday! I have already taught two classes this morning and completed 4 Equipment Orientations. I have 3 more scheduled plus Aqua Fitness Class (If the weather holds up) and TRX Class.

Busy, busy, busy! Have you guys created your July goals yet? As I was thinking about my goals for the rest of the year, I figured it would be a good thing to start logging my workouts so I have added a page for you guys to see what I'm doing and help hold me accountable to my goals. You can find it here. I also added a log for my total miles rode for 2013. Apparently it is a hobby of bicyclists to count their miles for the year, and even though I obviously I have a late start, I'm curious to see what I can get done. Plus, this will help me set an appropriate goal for 2014.

Food/Exercise Journaling

I am a huge fan of journaling for myself and for all of my clients- both food intake and exercise. There are so many ways to journal now, it is very convenient.

  • By Hand/Computer: Just google "workout journal" and click on images. Browse through the photos and you will see some printable versions and some that export a document right into excel to use on your computer! Or purchase a hard copy of a journal with blank pages such as the bodyminder found here. I've used this one before and really liked it. 

  • By Internet: Browse websites that can be accessed from your phone or computer. Examples: and
  • By Phone App: An app I am currently using is called My Fitness Pal. It is available on Android and Apple and includes both nutrition and exercise, and will also calculate your calorie needs as well as keep you motivated!

What's the benefit?

  • Accountability- Force yourself to write down everything you put in your mouth into this journal. It will also make you measure out your servings and make sure that you stay aware of exactly what you are eating and how much you are expending.
  • Easy meal planner- It can easily be used to prep/plan meals out ahead of time. Choose what you are going to eat before hand, so when you open it for your next meal, there's no questioning whether you want to eat the cake for lunch.
  • Easy to track progress- You can look back on each meal and check where you did well and what you need to work on. Most journals have a spot for weight, and goal setting so you are able to determine what you need to do differently to reach your goals.
  • Keep track of input/output- Maybe you don't realize how many calories you are taking in or how they truly add up at the end of the day. Most of us actually underestimate how many calories we are actually taking in. Now you will be able to track them throughout the day and plan your next meal accordingly. You can also do the same thing with your calorie expenditure. If you overdid it a little on the food today, maybe go for an extra walk to even things out. 
  • Ensure adequate nutrient intake- By tracking food all day we are able to make sure we got all 5 servings of fruit or drank the 8 glasses of water per day. We can make goals and check back to make sure we met them. If we didn't, we know what we need to add in for our next meal!
  • Motivation- As you watch yourself reach your goals, you will continue to build motivation!

Do you track your dietary intake or exercise? 

1 comment:

  1. Of course I track my exercise/running, but not my dietary intake. However, I am careful what I purchase so there are not too many cheat foods in the house!
