In five sentences or less, please tell us...what the secret to a happy, life-long marriage is?
secrets to a happy, life-long marriage.
"A happy, life long
marriage comes from . . .
exercising the choice to view that my beautiful wife is my Loveliest, a precious gift from God,
specially chosen to be my forever soul-mate, that our hearts were joined
together before we ever knew. I then determine
to honor this gift beyond compare by loving her unconditionally, putting her
well-being above my own, always, ever ready to lay down my life in undying love
to protect her – she is my best friend upon whom my sun rises and sets each and
every day!"
Mom’s secrets to a happy, life-long marriage
1. Choose wisely, decide this is a life-long commitment where quitting is not an option.
2. Honor your vows, realizing they were not only made to one another but also to the Creator of the Universe.
3. Learn to love in a way that your own happiness is intertwined with the happiness of your choice, the love of your life, your soul mate, your partner, the very best friend you'll ever have.
4. Pay attention to each other and the gift God has bless you with by listening, sharing and most importantly laughing together every single day. Life isn't fair and can and will be hard some days, some months and even some years- just like relationships.
5. And one last thought, if you truly love someone they are worth the work and are a priceless treasure. You are darn lucky, or should I say blessed, to have found and chosen so wisely.
It probably helps that they have such cute kids, huh?
What a wonderful tribute to your beautiful parents, especially your mom, she's hot!