Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New Years Resolutions- Take Two

July is less than a week away, I can't believe we are already half way through the year. It  has seriously flown! Great job if you have stuck with your goals, but more than likely, most New Years Resolutions are long forgotten by now. And for the few of you who have followed through with them, why not add some new ones?

Can you relate?

July 1st is the perfect time to start fresh! Clean the slate, refocus, and make this half of the year better than the first half. I'm going to share some of my goals with you, so that you all can keep me accountable! I can't help but think about "SMART" goals that I learned about while studying for my Health Coach Certification. When goal setting you want to focus on the S.M.A.R.T. acronym.


  • Drink more water. I'm awful! I need to have a water bottle glued to me at all times. SMART Goal: I will track my water intake during my working week to meet at least 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Be better about cooking and preparing my meals ahead of time. I am the most compulsive person when it comes to eating. Probably about 60% of my meals involve deciding what I want and going to the grocery store right then to get it. I also don't actually COOK much and I know it would be so much cheaper if I prepared my own stuff. SMART Goal: I will designate one day per week for meal planning and prep/cooking each week.
  • Drink more tea. Although I love tea, I'll sometimes go days without it. With zero calories and so many antioxidants it is a must for my diet. SMART Goal: I will drink at least one cup of tea every day.
  • Mix up my workouts. SMART Goal: I will ride my bike at least 2 days per week, strength train at least 4 days per week and do 2-3 other activities of my choice every single week.
  • Make time for Yoga/Meditation. I love yoga and meditation, but it's expensive and doesn't always fit perfectly into my schedule. SMART Goal: I will attend at least 1 yoga class and 1 meditation class every week.
  • Pay off my debt. Although this will not happen by December, (My parents just loaned me a pretty big chunk of money for my new bike), I want to put a good dent in it and stay on track with the payment plan we set up. SMART Goal: I will make each monthly payment and pay more than the set payment at least twice!
  • Read more. SMART Goal: I will complete at least 1 book every month.

Now, your turn! What are your goals for the rest of the year?

1 comment:

  1. Be accountable. This means journaling what I eat and not ripping out the pages when I mess up. Also planning both lunch and dinners that always include a vegetable.
