Saturday, June 22, 2013

Make the Most of your Weekend

Weekends can be very productive...or very disastrous to our health progress. It's very easy to make the most of our relaxation time in the worst ways. Follow these tips to help you stay on track!

1. Eat a good breakfast. Take the extra time to cook a healthy, well-balanced breakfast that is filling and contains protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates and heart healthy fats. This will leave you feeling full longer and also provide you with the energy to be productive throughout the rest of the day. Try these banana bread protein pancakes. They are awesome!

2. Get moving! Typically on the weekends, we have a lot more time to spare. I love to take my time through my weekend workouts. Because I don't have anywhere else to be, I don't feel pressured to rush through them. If you like to take the weekends off, make your "rest days" active rest days.  This means, walk to dinner, take your dogs out to the beach, play a game with your family something other than sit around. Resting doesn't have to be sitting or laying around. My suggestion for active rest days are something you enjoy and that don't make you sore.

3. Try something new.  If you are normally an avid gym-goer, try something else. Go for a hike, try kayaking or yoga. Change up your pace to make your weekend feel like an actual break from your normal day-to-day routine.

4. Don't set yourself up for failure. Just because your going to a barbecue or out for a special dinner, don't over do it. Keep yourself busy so during your relaxation time at home you don't feel tempted to reach for the fridge out of boredom. Saturdays and Sundays are just like any other day and will affect your diet in the same way!

5. If you mess up, don't wait til Monday to get back on track. Every bite counts. If you ate 3 pieces of cake at your son's birthday party Saturday night, don't continue your poor choices on Sunday. Get back on track the very next meal. Every effort and healthy choice makes a difference.

6. Plan out your meals ahead of time. Know what you are making for breakfast, lunch and dinner Saturday and Sundays. If you know you are going to eat out, check the menu out before hand. Most restaurants have online menus. Know what you are ordering before you get there so you wont be tempted to go for the chili cheese fries and Budweiser.

7. Don't drink your calories. Speaking of Budweiser...remember everything you put in your mouth counts towards your calorie intake. A lot of people make the mistake of ignoring liquid calories. This isn't just alcohol though, alcohol can really start to weigh you down...literally. The calories add up in all those sweet teas and lemonades. Make a conscious effort to enjoy your calories and all the nutrients you get in food and focus on 0-low calorie drinks and just plain old water! The more water your drink, the less likely you are to mistake hunger for dehydration and the better you will feel overall.

8. Make a list of at least 5 things you are going to get done. Have a plan going into your weekend of 5 things on your to-do list that you are going to get done over the next two days.  Maybe you've been meaning to go through your closet, clean behind the stove or pressure wash the deck. Choose a few things and make it a point to get them done. This will keep you busy and productive- less time to sabotage your diet and keep you moving.

9. Make time for yourself. Take at least 30 minutes or an hour to yourself to do some sort of mood-boosting activity. Take a meditation class, paint your nails, read a good book.

10. Prep for the week to come. Cook your chicken or quinoa for the week, drain your tofu, cut up your veggies. Plan out your meals for the week, budget your money and put your workouts into your calendar. Treat them as you would any other appointment. They are a priority to your health so they should be treated as one.

What else do you do to stay on track over the weekends? 

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