Monday, June 24, 2013

27 Miler

Good morning from the office! I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing and rejuvenating weekend. I most certainly did.

On Friday evening I finally picked up my beautiful new bike. My dear friend Molly was kind enough to meet me at Two Wheeler Dealer here in Wilmington and assist me with her Jeep. I drive a Honda Civic, and although my bike is tiny, there was no way it was fitting in my car. 

Thanks Molls! :)

Of course, it rained for about the next 24 hours straight. Because I purchased a road bike, I have to learn the whole process of clipping in and out when I come to stop signs, street intersections etc. They literally tell you to go ahead and let yourself fall before you ride because it is going to happen eventually. Being the stubborn, competitive individual I am, I am determined to stay upright and perfect clipping in and out without taking a spill. I planned to ride Sunday morning with my club, Cape Fear Cyclists so I knew I needed to get out and practice. During a break in the weather around 9pm on Saturday night, I finally rode my beautiful bike around my apartment complex and started feeling semi-confident about clipping into the pedals.

Isn't she gorgeous?

I am OBSESSED with my bike. It rides so smoothly, is extremely light and the fit is just perfect. 

Sunday morning I got up bright and early to prepare for my ride. The group met at Greenfield Lake which is about two minutes riding distance from my complex so quite convenient for me. The weather was a little humid but great for a morning ride. We took the inter-city trail around South Wilmington and then over through UNCW's campus and out to Mayfaire where we stopped for breakfast at Panera. At this point we had gone about 17 miles so I was pretty hungry. I chose a whole wheat bagel and peanut butter with some unsweetened tropical hibiscus tea as my refuel of choice!

It was perfect, not overly filling but enough to keep me energized for the ride back. When I got back on my bike, I understood the need for padded shorts. Saddle soreness to the extreme! I will certainly be watching for a pair of those on sale over the next couple weeks. We took a 10-mile route back and it absolutely POURED. I'm thankful I got the first 17 miles in without the rain because it was a little slippery. Riding in the rain actually felt great, it was kind of refreshing after a humid morning. 

So my first ride was a success! I actually did almost fall twice, but being the young and athletic girl I am (ha), I was able to catch myself both times. Unfortunately, I wont be getting back on my bike today and maybe not even tomorrow because my seat is achin'! Hopefully that subsides quickly because I'm already wanting to ride again. The best part about my ride was checking my watch at the end and seeing the 27 miles and ~1000 calories burned! Great workout. I spent the rest of the evening with Zachary. We ate at Mellow Mushroom, a local Pizza place in town that actually serves vegan pizza! Apparently I was too exhausted to remember to take a photo so I will have to show you guys that one next time. I then proceeded to fall asleep watching a movie at 6pm...that ride kicked my butt!

Well, I'm off to teach class! Have a wonderful Monday morning and I will check you guys later this afternoon!

Do you ever eat during a long workout? What is your fuel of choice?

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