Thursday, June 20, 2013

Get in Control of your Cravings

I was hit with a serious garbanzo bean craving after Aqua class this morning. I have never had cravings for food until I went vegan. As soon as I eliminated dairy and eggs, I swear my taste buds have changed so much- and very quickly. If you want to change your diet, but struggle with willpower because you really like good tasting, unhealthy foods (or don't like the taste of healthy foods) try eliminating one or two things at a time. Take it from me- I didn't always eat healthy. My brother and I used to stuff broccoli from dinner in our socks when my parents weren't looking and flush it down the toilet. The first few years I was a vegetarian, I barely ate any fruits and vegetables.  I didn't really develop a liking for them, until I started eating them. Start incorporating healthy foods in and slowly eliminating the unhealthy ones. You really can change your taste buds! Now, I literally wake up thinking about specific foods like olives, and garbanzo beans...and pickles!

Counting tofu instead of sheep....

I'm so weird, but really, its a great problem to have. Not only that, but I was having a conversation with my mom the other day about how much more energy I really do have when I eat more fruits and veggies. Try it, you will feel the difference within just a few days.  Just like everything else in life, your diet is something you have to work at. Don't accept the fact that you have to look and feel a certain way forever, or live with a disease because it's in your genes. Make small changes at a time. You'll get there, stay at it! You'll know you have arrived when you can use your cravings to your advantage, and actually give into them without guilt. Bring on the garbanzo beans!

In today's salad:
  • Mixed greens
  • Garbanzo Beans
  • Raw Tofu
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Cauliflower
  • Mushrooms
  • Black Olives
  • Celery
  • Onions
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Salad Vinegar
Hit the spot! And to make things better....just got a phone call that my bike is in!!! Photos to come. 

What strategies do you have in getting more healthful foods into your diet each day?

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