Thursday, June 20, 2013

Matching Bandannas

I've been trying desperately to snap a good photo of the Fitness Pups sporting their new haircuts but they have been rather hard to keep still long enough. Last night I was finally able to get a couple good pictures.

 Little Miss Muffin


Can't you tell how fit they are now that all that hair is gone? And I thought the matching bandannas were pretty dang cute. It makes me think of my favorite movie "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days" when Andie shows up at Ben's work with a new dog and matching plaid for everyone...Quite the adorable little "plaid family" as she refers to them after only dating just a few days. Funny movie if you haven't seen it!

I'm starting my day off right with some energy boosting vitamins and minerals in the form of a banana and watermelon!

Have you noticed that I'm always eating from my desk? Working woman! On the agenda for today:

Clearly I am hoping my bike comes in today (If you could tell that was a bike in my little drawing). My workout from Tina Reale's Best Body Bootcamp today is 40 minutes of any cardio I want so I'm planning on going to Body Attack class this evening at Gold's Gym. If you've never tried a Les Mill's class out before, you should. It's certainly a fun, different workout experience. However, if my bike comes in- my cardio will definitely include that instead. 

Catch ya later this afternoon. Enjoy your morning!

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