Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fabulously Fun Fittie Survey

This survey popped up on a blog that I frequently read, Peanut Butter Fingers and I found it fun so I thought you might too!
1. What did you eat for breakfast?
For the most part, I don't really eat traditional "meals" but more so eat every few hours usually. Today I had a scoop of vegan protein before work and about 2 hours later I had iced coffee and a small avocado. (This was Monday's breakfast since I wrote this post in advance for Tuesday-my day off).
2. How much water do you drink a day?
This has got to be one of my biggest struggles. I always drink a glass in the morning and take a glass with me to bed. I also typically drink about 30oz when I work out. But sometimes, I am ashamed to say, that's it. I need to work on that!
3. What is your current favorite workout?
Riding my bike, definitely! I am doing Tina Reale's Best Body Boot Camp and enjoying the change of routine. Also now that the weather has been warmer, I enjoy walking for an easy, extra calorie burner that wont totally exhaust me.
4. How many calories do you eat a day?
I don't count calories, but with my background I do have a good idea of about where I am at when I'm eating. I would say I typically eat about 2,000 calories. But days when I am super active, it definitely gets up to 2500-3000. I eat a LOT for a female of my height/weight because I am very active and I also have a fairly active job.
If you can't tell, I won the "Chubby Bunny" contest
5. What are your favorite healthy snacks?
Recently I have been lovin' me some of Zacharys homemade olive oil popcorn. Other things I have been finding myself munching on include mushrooms or cauliflower with hummus, black olives, scoops of peanut butter and cashews.

6. What do you usually eat for lunch?
You see a lot of my lunch on the blog but I typically eat from my desk and that means one thing...salad. Because I am a vegan and I can't exactly cook from my office, I usually either throw a salad together before work or order one from the restaurant here at Porters Neck Country Club. If I'm unprepared and the club is closed, I will go to Harris Teeter and do their salad buffet because it always has tofu and other protein options for me.
7. What is your favorite body part to strength train?
Legs, easily. They are bittersweet because they are so tough, but there is NOTHING better than a super-duper leg pump. And the soreness/inability to walk the next day....love to hate it!

Sorry, I couldn't resist!
8. What is your least favorite body part to strength train?
Hmm tough question. I can't say there is anything I don't LIKE to train. I love everything about strength training, but I guess the thing I do the least would be core. I hit core so often with full body TRX moves and cardio that sometimes isolated core work feels a bit tedious.
9. What are your “bad” food cravings?
Like I've said in a past post, I really have never gotten "cravings" for foods until I went vegan. And now I crave weird foods like olives and pickles. Whattttt??? However, I will say that some foods I like to eat that I probably shouldn't include obscene amounts of tofutti cuties with peanut butter, (vegan ice cream sandwiches) and probably a couple more beers than my body appreciates.
10. Do you take vitamins or supplements?
Calcium- everyone woman should! I used to be religious with my multi-vitamin but now I consume 80% fruits and veggies for my meals so I only take them when I feel like I didn't get a good nutrient intake for the day.
11. How often do you eat out?
Well this depends on the definition of "eating out"....Zachary and I usually go out together about twice a week. He is leaving in a month for Grad School at Kentucky so with our schedule, that is one thing we can do together. (I refuse to cook meat so this forces us out). Because I am a vegan and restaurant choices are semi limited for us, we usually opt out for something on the healthy side. I also eat a salad from the restaurant at work almost daily because I get comped a free meal for being a full-time employee.
12. Do you eat fast food?
I've never been a fast food girl because it was always tough to eat fast-food as a vegetarian. We hit up a lot of fast food restaurants on the road playing collegiate softball and I learned to bring my own food very quickly. The only place I really ever could order from was Taco Bell- which surprisingly they have a few options that aren't terrible. If I was taking a really long road trip I would probably go somewhere if they offered a vegan option (Taco Bell actually does), but would be more likely to pack my own food. I also love Chipotle and Quiznos if those count!
13. Who is your biggest supporter?
I absolutely can't choose one. My first inclination is my parents. I also would include my brother because he and I have maintained a close relationship despite being long distance and he supports everything I ever do. My boyfriend is also pretty great. :) I'm very blessed.
My brother Robert and I
14. Do you have a gym membership?
I do. Working in a Country Club Fitness Center- it's not really appropriate to work out in your own facility so I work out a gym that has locations close to my work and close to my apartment.
15. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
At least 8, and not because I think I need it for health purposes. I personally just do not do well when I don't have at 9-10 hours of sleep. I usually am in bed no later than 8:30 and up by 6. The ladies in my fitness classes at the Country Club laugh at me when I tell them I most likely went to sleep earlier than them last night. What a great fit my job is!

16. Do you have a “cheat” day?
I don't do cheat days. When I want something "not so good for me" I simply make sure I'm active that day and I don't deprive myself at all. I try to consume in moderation and make sure that at least some of my other meals are nutrient dense that day.
17. Do you drink alcohol?
Yes. (I am human). I definitely agree with the health benefits of red wine if consumed in moderation, however most wine is not vegan. If I happen to stumble across a vegan wine, I'll certainly give it a try.
18. Do you have a workout buddy?
No. I work out with Zach when I can but our schedules are so different, that it doesn't happen often. I enjoy working out by myself because I'm very self-motivated, and working out with someone is more of a distraction to me. A lot of people are motivated by a partner, but it's just not for me. However- going for a walk, or bike ride with someone, that, I would enjoy. Running and lifting, I prefer to do alone because it is my stress-relieving time.
19. What is the best thing that has changed about your life since committing to a healthy lifestyle?
The open-door to helping other people.
Nutrition and fitness are a combination that I believe can be life changing for absolutely everyone. Every person in this world can get something positive out of both of these things. I have always been committed to exercising and have always been interested in healthy eating. I know that I am blessed in that area because some people simply have no interest in it. The more I learn, the more interested I get and I love to share my thoughts with anyone willing to listen. Changing even a single persons life by making exercise fun for them or tweaking something in their diet to provide more energy, for example, makes me feel great for them and for myself.

20. What was the last healthy thing you did?
Just finished up the first workout of Week 2 of Best Body Boot Camp.
Now it's your turn!
  • What are your favorite healthy snacks?
  • What is your current favorite workout?
  • How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
  • What is the best thing that has changed about your life since committing to a healthy lifestyle?

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