Monday, June 24, 2013

14 Signs You might be a Fitness Guru


I am guilty of quite a few of these.....hehe.

1. You bought a heart rate monitor to measure your calorie expenditure...and you wear it EVERYWHERE. I get it, your curious about how many calories you burn when you sleep, totally understand.

2. You think people who call you obsessed are crazy. They are just as weird to you, as you are to them. "What do you mean you don't work out?"

3. You set goals other people would deem impossible. And then you do everything in your power to reach them. New Years Resolution? No problem.

4. You don't feel successful unless you left the gym with a "pump". The word to describe that feeling you get after doing 500 different variations of bicep curls that makes your arms feel like they might explode and has your veins popping out everywhere...yeah that.

What I think I look like when I workout...
 What I actually look like.

5. When people ask what your doing today, you automatically respond with a body part. Oh you weren't talking about my workout?

6. You feel extreme guilt if you ever miss leg day.

7. You know that DOMS is the worst 36 hours after a tough workout not 48.

8. During casual conversation, you forget that not everyone knows what DOMS is. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Research shows that people are most sore after approximately 48 hours following a hard work out.

9. You have a strong opinion on proper squat form.

10. ....And your kids will lift.

11. You think being called "skinny" is an insult. Strong is the new skinny!

12. When you go shopping for dress clothes you end up buying a new pair of nike shorts. Hey, they were on sale...

13. You know the pain of one of your headphones going out mid-workout. Now how am I going to get motivated?

14. Your phone no longer tries to auto correct the words "glutes", "cardio" "TRX" or "HIIT" because they were added to your dictionary the first week you got it.

What about you? Are you a crazy fitness guru???

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