Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Here's to Breathing and New Challenges!

Anybody else need to stop and take a breather?

I don't feel comfortable without a plan. I'm the girl who always has my planner with me and my days are completely organized down to the minute with items on my to-do list, work, training, pups, dog sitting, grocery shopping etc! With the blur of the past month however, and quite a busy start to August, I found myself yesterday absolutely stressed to the max! I knew that if I kept going the way I was, not just one thing, but all things would fall apart. I needed to stop and take a breather. So, I laid on the floor of my apartment, called Michael and vented. And even when thoughts crept up into my head like, "You should have already started your run by now...," I gave myself the time to breathe without feeling guilty about it. Eventually, I did hit the treadmill, and felt better within minutes of starting my workout. It's funny how much better I feel after a good sweat sesh. 

Thankfully, I haven't had any lack in energy lately. I have to contribute this to my diet. The more diligent I am in getting my capsules and shakes in the morning, the more plants I want to eat during the day, and I'll tell you what- the more plants I eat, the better I feel! This girl can't afford to be tired or sick at this point in time, there are just too many things to be doing, too much life to live!

This week, I have the exciting opportunity to start a completely new journey in my health career. While I still have my job teaching fitness classes and managing a Fitness Center, I have also joined in on the Juice Plus team. I've been using their products for four months now and have never felt better. Even yesterday at the dentist, I was complimented on my healthy gums, and I couldn't help but notice that my blood pressure was pretty low despite a stressful day at work. (117/72!) I will tell you guys more about this later but this is just a small part of everything I've got goin' on right now!

I'm also watching this cutie this week....Meet Kona!

She's so sweet. :) Animals bring me so much joy! At least that part of "work" doesn't feel quite so much like it!

I hope you guys have a wonderful hump day. Keep breathing and find the joy in new challenges that will make you better! I promise, a time is coming soon when I can get you guys more healthy info and fun, informative fitness and nutrition information back on a daily basis!

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