Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Meet the latest rescue, Brutus!

Brutus was spotted by the tennis courts early this morning by some kids at summer camp, bundled up in the leaves like so. He's a newborn fawn who was very dehydrated and hadn't eaten in quite some time. In order to not scare the little guy, I sat with him for five minutes and of course, after speaking sweetly to him, he let me pick him up. Fawns are quite docile and gentle!

After calling around for some advice, we got in contact with a wonderful woman named Jennifer who lives near the club and actually has a certification in wildlife care. She already had nine baby deer at her home whom she was nursing back to health. 

We searched around for the fawn's mother, but it was 96 degrees out and he was almost unable to hold his head up on his own. We decided to make the call to go ahead and take the fawn over to Jennifer's in fear of further dehydration and malnutrition. I really don't think he would have made it through the day, even if his mother came back that evening. When we arrived at Jennifer's, she said we definitely did the right thing, that most likely the mother had died because Brutus had clearly been left alone for quite some time.

Of course, after one of my employee's named him on our drive over to Jennifer's, and spending an hour with Brutus in my arms, I had a little bit of separation anxiety. However, I know the right thing was to let him go and I always want to do what is best for my little furry friends. It really makes my day helping the little babies!

Now for day two of the 10 Day You Challenge- nine loves in no particular order! 

1. The "Muffy Dance"
Everyday when I get home my dogs go crazy, (so do I, who am I kidding?) Muffin performs what I call the Muffy dance as she is just so excited she can't contain herself. There's nothing like the feeling of these babies being so excited to see me each and everyday after I've left them alone for nine hours. I love my dogs more than pretty much anything in this world.

2. Making someone happy, just by being myself
Everyone knows, it's no easy task finding the right significant other. Most of us go through a few, at least, in our lifetime searching for "the one." For me, someone who accepts me, truly accepts me, exactly as I am, for all my faults is someone you just can't help but love. I had no idea how much I would appreciate that trait alone, until now.

3. My family's unending support
I know exactly how blessed I am. My parents, my grandmother, my siblings, have supported me my entire life- throughout my first love for the game of softball, throughout college and still to this day despite being a long ways away. I would not be the person I am today without them, that's for certain.

4. Eating after a hard work out
There's nothing better than your favorite meal, except eating it after a half marathon! Food tastes a million times better after a workout. To name a few of my favorites- sushi, cheese quesadillas, mac n' cheese, beer and Nuun tabs of course!

5. Earning race medals
Bling bling! I guess it's the athlete in me, running for the trophies. I love those shiny, gorgeous medals I get after a long, hard run! So gratifying. 

6. Making animals happy
(See beginning of post). You guys know, compassion for animals is one of the most important things in my life, which is why I am a vegetarian. I truly get fulfillment from knowing I've helped even one furry creature enjoy a better life. They make me smile so much, just by being so stinkin' cute, that I hope to make as many smile as possible!

7. Interrupting my coworkers
I have a habit of taking at least one daily trip over to the clubhouse where my boss and the rest of my coworkers' offices are. I like to walk through and stop at every office and make my rounds interrupting everyone to catch up on gossip, check in with everyone and see if there's anything I can do to make their day a little better. I enjoy everyone I work with, which is seriously, awesome. I guess I am lucky enough to say that I really like my job. It has it's challenges, like every single job does. I don't know many people who can honestly say, they enjoy working and the people they work with.

8. Sharing Fitness with our members
Yesterday I had two different guys stop in my office to let me know how much they felt their fitness was improving after having worked with me. Do you know what kind of feeling that is, to receive a compliment like that? The BEST! I may get overwhelmed with lots of classes during the week, but when I think about how many people's lives I'm touching with health and fitness, that makes me pretty dang happy.

9. Seeing God working in my life
As a former believer, then non-believer, and born-again (again) Christian, I love seeing God work. When I was on the fence this time around about possibly devoting my life back to Him, I had one simple request for Him, "Make yourself real to me." I can't tell you how many times He has since that prayer. 

Now it's your turn!
What is something you love?

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