Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Oil Pulling- The Miracle Mouth Cure?

Have you guys heard about this crazy new trend, oil pulling? Just the sound of it is so weird, when I first read it, I had to say it out loud. It immediately makes me think of the gas station.

This new-age hype is the process of putting oil in your mouth, swishing it around and spitting it back out. It is the same process that you would take with typical mouthwash. And no, not the kind of oil you put in your car, edible oil!

According to Precision Nutrition, the process is as follows:

1. Take a tablespoon of oil. (Any edible oil will do, coconut, sunflower, olive oil etc).

2. Put it in your mouth and swish it around for 10-15 minutes. (If you're like me, you'd feel the need to find something else to do while you're swishin'. Clean the bathroom perhaps?)

3. Spit it out.

4. Rinse with warm water.

5. Brush and floss as normal.

Apparently this process has actually been around longer than brushing and flossing teeth, but has just recently gained popularity. There is still little research on it, however. According to the data we have collected, oil pulling might help reduce gingivitis. We do know for a fact that if it works, it is a healthier option that using mouth washes with chemicals and alcohols that can actually dry out your mouth making things worse ultimately. We also know that oils do contain lignans that have antimicrobial and antioxidant capabilities, so it can't hurt.

Other studies, while short or incomplete, have also shown oil pulling to be as effective as mouth wash in fighting halitosis (aka bad breath).

While for me, personally, I know that I could not stomach having a bunch of oil in my mouth for 15 minutes (I would definitely be gagging), there is one more thing to consider before you go trying it on your own. You probably don't want to spit this stuff out in your bathroom sink, as eventually you're going to have quite the plumbing bill. I'd shoot for the garbage.

Share with us! Have you tried oil pulling? What have you read or experience in terms of health associated with oil pulling?

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