Friday, May 23, 2014

A Workout, Prayer Request, and a Nice Surprise

This morning was a super early alarm in the Fitness Pup household. Around 4:15, I slept walked the pups around the neighborhood and then got straight to my workout. I had an hour of biking plus a leg lift to get in and still be at work early. It was a great workout and I was able to get everything done I needed to. I've found a new hobby I like to do to keep myself from music/magazine boredom when I have a longer period of cardio to complete inside. I write my workouts for my classes for the day. It works out great because I'm on exercise high and I get real creative! That's some major productiveness right there. If you're a Personal Trainer or Group Exercise Instructor, you should consider trying this out!

As you guys have seen numerous times, I am very spoiled by my mommy. She is the ultimate deal finder and when she finds good deals on healthy food items that I like, she always buys a bunch and stashes them away for the next holiday or occasion to send me a package. This past Monday, she called and said something was on it's way. Since there was no special occasion, I thought it was a little odd, but I certainly wasn't going to question free food and gifts! 

The package must have arrived last night after I had already checked my mail, because when I got up today, it was there. I was in a hurry to get everything done before work and picking up Michael at the airport so I grabbed it and put it in my car to open later. I was picking him up in Myrtle Beach about an hour and a half away so I knew he'd want to drive back and I could open my surprise then!

My mom is so thoughtful. I was right about the food, there was a bunch of it! Lots of cashews, pistachios, and a plethora of healthy, fittie bars. 

Underneath all of that, I found two little refrigerator magnets from my Senior Ball with Michael. Yes, I am a cradle robber. He was a Junior and I was a Senior. :)

She wanted me to have it by the time Michael got here so we could enjoy it together. Small gestures, are just so thoughtful sometimes. Plus, look how cute we are!

Michael and I at my Senior Ball in 2005!

Little things like that really make me smile! On a side note, I wanted to ask everyone to be praying for my daddy. He went to the doctor with some major abdominal and back discomfort early this morning and found out that he's got five, 4-5 millimeter kidney stones. Not fun stuff, but we are thankful it's nothing worse!

Michael is here until Tuesday spending the holiday with me. I've got some work to do in the morning and then we are planning on definitely getting some sun at the beach this weekend. Anyone doing anything fun?

Have a wonderful Friday!

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