Friday, May 30, 2014

10 Habits of Healthy Individuals

Good morning! Let me introduce you to my own, very effective alarm clocks...

This is what happens when my alarm goes off, and I try to press snooze. I get these two cuties on my chest begging to be taken on their morning walk. How can I say no to the Fitness Pups wanting to exercise? Every morning, I try to pretend like I'm still asleep and don't notice them, until they start gently batting my face with a paw. It's quite effective, I must say.

Speaking of their love for exercise, I was not even the slightest bit surprised to find a half torn open protein stash on the floor Wednesday when I got home from work. 

Those crazy Pups are just like their mother. Gotta have that protein! I couldn't even scold them for it. 

I have had a crazy week! Michael left on on Tuesday morning which was followed up with a tough, hilly running practice in downtown Wilmington later that evening. Wednesday and Thursday were crammed with playing catch up at work and after last night's practice at the track, and teaching two classes first thing this morning, I finally have a second to breathe.

Alright, so now that we are all semi-updated, I have an interesting post for you all today.

Habits of Healthy Individuals
We all know that genetics play a huge role in maintaining a healthy weight and are a major determinant of what type of diet and exercise works best for each individual. However, I have been paying close attention lately to healthy individuals around me and noticed many similarities between their habits, that might be different than that of those who tend to be overweight/obese. I have combined my findings with some of those habits that I have also read about and made a list. How many can you check off?

1. They are morning people. This is the time they spend typically to work out and make a good breakfast. Getting a workout in first thing in the morning leaves little to no time for creating excuses for why it doesn't get done later in the day. Even if your morning doesn't include working out, creating habits of rising early and going to sleep early is a great way to get a head start on the day, give you more energy and creates good habits geared toward hard work. 

2. They don't act impulsively. A set routine allows them to get everything done in a timely manner, and keeps a precise, organized schedule that is hard to stray from. Individuals who maintain a healthy weight also usually plan out workouts, meals and even rest days. They use planners to stay organized, track workouts and dietary intake. They know what they are going to eat, well before they get hungry enough to grab a candy bar in the grocery store aisle. 

3. They weigh-in regularly. People who maintain a healthy weight keep track of how their clothes are fitting and can make adjustments based on that alone. However, they typically have an idea of their ideal weight and are in-tune with their bodies enough to have a pretty good guess on any given day what their weight would be, should they step on a scale. Healthy individuals get weighed at minimum by their yearly visit to the doctor, but most weigh in at least once a month. Some weigh in daily to be able to adjust meals according to fluctuations in weight before they get out of control. No matter what routine they use, they have one.     
4. They sleep. Although things like kids, school and work demand our time, sleep should be just as important. Healthy individuals not only get 7-9 hours of sleep every single night, they consistently go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

5. They think in moderation. Healthy individuals focusing on well balanced meals with moderate portions and regular snacks.

6. They drink water and take a multivitamin. For various reasons, time, caloric restriction, etc, it isn't always reasonable that we are going to get every nutrient we need by eating our normal meals throughout the day. This is where a multivitamin comes into play. And outside of some black coffee/tea, there really aren't any other satiating drinks that need to be consumed besides water. Healthy individuals get this. 

7. They eat! Healthy individuals don't skip meals for anything. They make eating the most important part of their routine, and keep healthy snacks on hand when they are stuck with limited options. This is also where planning ahead comes into play. 

8. They find their "Om". Whether it be through meditation, yoga, reading or talking to a professional, healthy individuals control hormones that could potentially cause weight gain by finding a way to cope with stress and keep it at bay. 

9. They are active even when resting. Healthy people take the stairs instead of the elevator, they walk their dogs a little longer than most, they walk or ride a bike instead of drive when they can. 

10. They mix it up. Healthy individuals don't eat the same thing every day, and they switch up their exercise routine often. 

Share with us, which of these tips do you use to help maintain a healthy weight. Which ones can you work on?

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