Thursday, April 10, 2014

Everyday I'm Hustlin'

I took a ton of photos last weekend at my race. Unfortunately, I was unable to post anything yesterday because I got a lovely malware on my computer at work causing it to crash! Thankfully, our awesome IT guy fixed everything up and it was like brand new when I came back to work today.

Here was a salad from Saturday for dinner with a mix of romaine lettuce and spring mix, feta cheese, dried cranberries, almonds and some croutons added after I snapped the pic.

Sunday morning I ran the Hound Hustle 10k in Brunswick Forest, here in Wilmington. It was a good race! I did a run/walk for the entire race because I am planning on doing that for my next half marathon coming up in less than three weeks. I held about a 9:45 pace for nine minutes, followed by one minute walking
and repeated that until my race was completed. 

I felt great for the majority of the race. This race was a fundraiser for a new veterinary clinic in town . I'm all about running for causes to help animals! Not to mention, it was fun to see owners doing the 1-mile trot with spot or taking their dogs along for the 5k that started five minutes after the 10k that I ran. 

After I finished, I immediately enjoyed a banana and chugged some water. It actually took me a few hours to really get hungry. A few hours after my race, I scrambled three egg whites and one yolk and then cut up an avocado and enjoyed that together for breakfast.

Served with some hot sauce! Yum.

Overall, it was a good race experience. Nothing too overly exciting. There were only about 100 people total but it was good to get the miles in.

Tuesday's running practice was tough. We met at the trails just North of Wilmington in Poplar Grove. After a 1.85 mile warm up, we had 4 sets of about .75 miles. Running on trails versus cement is pretty challenging due to the extra stress on all the muscles that stabilize the knees and ankles. Gets tiring quickly, but definitely great for switching it up and strengthening some muscles you aren't used to really overworking during regular runs on a treadmill or the road.

I have practice again tonight at the UNCW track at 5:50. Today has been super busy but very productive. I ran a Strength Training and Injury Prevention Clinic this morning for our Tennis Players that was full, taught a cardio class and now I'm getting ready for a Staff Meeting and then finishing up my presentation for the North Carolina Dietetics Association Conference tomorrow.  I've got tons going on, and am taking three vacation days for my sweetie visiting from Portland, Oregon next week. I have a feeling it's going to be like this for the next six days.

Everyday I'm hustlin'!

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