Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Finish Line is a Finish Line

Hey there!

Here's what my morning has looked like:

4:45 alarm clock + Pup walk.
5:50 Running practice at the UNCW track
7:30 Breakfast in the form of a toasted multigrain bagel, cream cheese and one scrambled egg with cayanne pepper... a sugarfree vanilla iced coffee. 

Shower and off to work by 8:30!

My running group got 3.6 miles done this morning between some 400's and 200's and I'm feelin' ready for the Divas Half Marathon this weekend! I've got one easy 25 minute run left in the books for this week and I am feeling as prepared as I could have possibly gotten in this amount of time. I'm a little worried about spending a lot of time in the pool this tomorrow and Saturday for my Lifeguarding Certification I have to complete for work, but hopefully I can sneak in some snacks and try to expend as little energy as possible. I'm trying to look at it as a nice, rejuvenating ice bath. Ha!

This is my 9th week running and the best I have felt since I began so I'm just really excited to see what this half has to bring. I'd be pretty happy to run in the low 2:20's but I am not going to be disappointed if I'm closer to 2:25. Like my running Coach Sami says, "a finish line, is a finish line!" No matter what your distance is, or your time, crossing the finish line is always the ultimate goal. And always something to be proud of! Especially this early in the game for me, I have to just be happy about completing races and not so focused on my times.

Today should be pretty easy for me as my work hours are cut a little shorter this week due to being here all evening tomorrow and literally ALL day Saturday for this certification. So after my 10:10 Cardio Class this morning, I've got mostly office work to do and then a staff meeting at 1 and that should wrap my work day up!

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