Saturday, March 8, 2014

Good News and an Early Weekend Run

Good morning!

I hope your weekend is off to a nice relaxing start! I got some really good news yesterday that an old friend booked a flight to come visit me in April! I haven't seen him in about 8 years so it's going to be really good to have someone close to me visit in Wilmington. It can get tough when you move away from your whole family and old friends, even though I have made some great new ones! Speaking of new friends, I met a really fun girl named Hillary in my new running group! We ran together this morning.

The day began with a 4:30 alarm so I could meet the team at the UNCW track for practice beginning at 5:50. Thanks to another friend inviting to me to practice a couple weeks ago, I have found a new hobby that is extremely challenging but very fulfilling. I joined Without Limits, a running group out of Wilmington. We practice twice a week and the coaches help to prepare us for upcoming races. With my half marathon just 8 days away, I wish I would have started sooner, but better late than never, right?

This morning's practice consisted of a mile warm up, some dynamic stretching and then we were paired into our pace groups. The best thing about running in a group like this is that you are grouped with people of similar speed and you complete the workouts with your group. Staying motivated is a lot easier when you have teammates pushing you. Hillary and I are at a similar pace so most of our runs have been together. Our workout this morning was an 800 (2 laps or half a mile) in under 4:45. We got a minute rest and then repeated that three more times, followed by a half mile cool down jog.

I have never been a great runner. Running is challenging for me and although some days I absolutely hate it while I'm doing it, I always love it when I'm done. There's no feeling quite like the one you have when you finish a hard run.

Post workout meal was a protein shake in the car, followed by a vanilla Power Bar and water with a strawberry lemonade nuun tab thrown in once I got to work.

Agenda for today includes teaching a TRX class in about 45 minutes, getting a quick lift in at the gym after work, and then relaxing until around 4:00 when my running group is meeting at the Lighthouse Beer and Wine for a run chat about the race next weekend!

Have a great weekend!

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