Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Deeeelicious Salad Trick

Hello there!

How's Wednesday treating you? Fabulously, I hope. I have had quite a busy morning but was able to get in a pup walk, 30 minutes of cardio this morning and lots of office work done thus far! My TRX classes continue to grow every week so Wednesdays are fun with two of them on the schedule! 

I know I haven't done any fun recipes lately, but to be completely honest, other than preparing vegan chicken in a pan with some olive oil for most dinners, I haven't been cooking! I'm mostly grabbing and going- life of a young, busy, career oriented woman! Here's the great thing about that though, you can't say I never gave you any ideas how "Healthy Meal Ideas on the Go" or "Easy 5 Minute Meals" that are really even more convenient because they actually only take like 2 minutes. You're welcome!

For example, yesterday for lunch I threw together what ended up being a really delicious salad after my workout.

In the bowl:
  • Romaine lettuce
  • 5 marinated olives
  • Chopped mushrooms
  • Chopped celery
  • Chopped red onion
  • A tablespoon of sunflower seeds
  • 5 slices of vegan tofurky
  • A tablespoon of olive oil
  • A dash of pepper
Put it in a covered container and shake it all up! Because I had marinated olives, I didn't have to put anything more than a tablespoon of olive oil on for dressing which saved me calories! The vegan Tofurky meat has 13g of protein per 3 slices and actually tastes pretty good on sandwiches or thrown in salads. 

As my Grams would say...."That was deeeelicious!"

Try the marinated vegetable thing! When I go home, my mom always has canned artichoke hearts that have been marinated in olive oil or other vegetables like roasted red peppers, onion etc. I absolutely love using these for salads because you get the unique taste, plus the sauce/oil that it's marinated in serves as the perfect amount of dressing and ends up saving you calories and fat.

Question of the Morning:
What is your favorite unique addition to a salad?

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