It's a tea and slippers kind of afternoon! I heard a rumor that we've got a freeze warning here in Wilmington this evening, so I'm getting prepared!
Three questions for you guys:
- Have you ever used a French Press?
- Have you ever tried loose leaf tea from Teavana?
- Have you ever tried loose leaf tea from Teavana…steeped in a French Press?
Call me sheltered but I didn't even know what a french press was until I received one from the ever so thoughtful, Zachary for my birthday a few weeks ago. Keeping in mind my love for tea and coffee, he thought The Original French Press might be right up my alley. He's one smart cookie, that Zachary. I might have to consider keeping him.
The French Press allows me to pour hot water over my loose leaf tea, allow it to steep and then press down the filter to allow just the liquid to escape right into my mason jar and into my belly!
Also, can we just talk about how pretty the tea is? It looks like potpourri!
Mmmm, so delicious. Warms the soul! I only knew about the amazing Teavana because Starbucks has some sort of partnership with them. (And we all know I'm a Starbs girl!) Anyway, I ordered 2oz each of the Dosha Chai and the English Breakfast. This was my first taste of Teavana and I have to say, the Dosha Chai was hands down the best tea I've ever had. Of course, this likely also has to do with the preparation and French Press involvement. I told Zachary it was like a bunch of love in a cup! :) The English Breakfast is a black tea with caffeine so I'm saving that for the morning. has free shipping on any size order, many flavors to choose from, and I even got a complimentary sample of Maharaja Chai which I thought was pretty neat.
Of course, now that I've browsed their website, I'm interested in all of the pretty pots and fun travel mugs. If you don't drink tea, start now! There are many kinds of tea and they each have many different health benefits but every single one has something healthy to offer. Plus, unsweetened tea is zero calories! If you need it sweet, add some stevia. Not a hot drink kinda person? You can enjoy tea over ice as well. It's definitely a staple in my diet!
Speaking of diet staples…my father admitted that bratwursts are a staple of his this weekend. Just thought you all might enjoy that fun fact.
Have a wonderful evening friends, stay warm!
don't forget orangeslices to complement those brat staples!