Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pawsitively Perfect Morning

This morning I had my first adventure at Paws Place Dog Rescue. I absolutely loved every minute of it! Paws Place holds anywhere from 35-45 dogs at any given time in large kennels that are cleaned spotless daily. They had a great system going so that certain dogs that weren't great with the other pups got to run around on their own in the open areas and other dogs that needed assistance with exercise got to go with me! I was designated the official dog walker for the day. While my first dog Tygee got ready to go for his walk, I played with 8 twelve-week old puppies that were found under a building without their mama. They were adorable and full of energy.

When the dogs were ready to be walked, each took their turn of 15 minutes on the leash with me. I had six different dogs all with separate needs. The dogs ranged from a one-year old pitbull, Millie who was full of energy who was able to run back and forth and was a challenge to wear out, all the way to Lara who was so timid she looked back at me every two seconds to be sure I was still there. I took a special liking to Marco initially because of his name. (Marco is the name of Marshall's mascot), but my liking increased even more when after walking him, he got extremely jealous when I shared my attention with the other dogs. He was so sweet. 




After each dog that needed walking was taken out, I stayed around to play some more with the puppies and stopped by some of the kennels of the dogs I hadn't met yet. It was so much fun, and I couldn't help but think about how awesome it felt to be doing something I enjoyed, while giving back to those I care about so very much. Plus, I got a solid two hours of walking in so what more could a pup-lovin' fittie ask for?

I will be returning Sunday morning and plan to make a commitment to coming every Tuesday and Sunday that I am available. 

The rest of my day today includes taking my Little Miss Muffin to the vet for some routine vaccinations, putting together a TV stand I found at Target for $20.00 and watching Biggest Loser tonight at 8 in the mini gym at my apartment complex. Yesterday I decided I will be running in the Quintiles Half Marathon March 16th and mapped out a 20-week training plan. I have absolutely zero running base currently so I'm using a beginner's plan and have my first "run" tonight. It is 3 miles mixed between running and walking. Shouldn't be too awful.

Happy Tuesday!

Question of the morning:
What's one thing you have volunteered for and truly enjoyed?
Besides Paws Place, I also did a volunteer project my Senior year at Marshall in which I walked the dog of an elderly Huntington resident twice per week for her and I really enjoyed that as well!

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