If you aren't eating these foods you might just be missing out on something very nutritionally valuable. Next time you hit the grocery store, make sure to throw these items in your cart!
1. Spinach- jam-packed with vitamins and minerals this is the best bang for your calorie buck. Spinach is high in nutrients that help with bone health, muscle strength, fertility and insulin production. If you don't like spinach, try blending it into a smoothie. I promise, you can't even taste it!
2. Blueberries- this superfood will help you fight off the risk of heart disease and cancer because of it's extremely high antioxidant content. Blueberries also contain anthocyanins which have actually been shown to slow the growth of cancer cells and improve brain function.
3. Quinoa- this type of grain is a complete protein meaning it packs all of the essential and non essential Amino Acids that your body can't create on it's own, providing recovery for muscle breakdown as well as support for all cell growth and function. It is also high in fiber which can decrease the risk of aging and cause you to eat less calories!
4. Monounsaturated Fats- like the ones found in salmon, walnuts, almonds, avocado and olive oil. The fats found in these foods are optimal for heart function and fighting off cardiovascular disease. Monounsaturated fats also lower LDL's (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL's (good cholesterol).
5. Legumes- High in protein, fiber, omega 3's and calcium legumes are a great food to add to your diet. Beans such as black, pinto, garbanzo and kidney beans are great examples. They are great for the heart and also increase organ function while filling you up with less calories and fat than animal protein.
6. Mushrooms- Rich in nutrients such as biotin, vitamin B2, copper, chromium and pantothenic acid, mushrooms are very low in calories for how many nutrients they yield. Vitamin B2 specifically is responsible for increases in metabolism function- score! Dip them in some hummus for a yummy snack.
7. Sweet Potatoes- Great substitute for the much less-nutrient packed, white potato, sweet potatoes can be cut and baked to resemble and taste even BETTER than a french fry. They are loaded with carotenoids- responsible for their orange color as well as vitamin c, potassium and fiber to keep you fuller, longer.
8. Tomatoes- Lycopene is the main important nutrient found in tomatoes and is an antioxidant that not only helps maintain your youthful skin texture but also reduces the risks of some types of cancer, as well as heart disease.
Are there any other foods you never leave the grocery store without because of their great health benefits?
Definitely a good one- I ate a lot of this before I went vegan. Great protein source and awesome mixed with fruit- especially berries and any assortment of nuts- almonds, walnuts, etc.