Monday, May 27, 2013

Get Moving!


I hope most of you readers are enjoying it out in the sun! So much eating and drinking will be done today, don't forget to find some way to get active. There are many things we can do as a family or with friends, so no excuses people! Go for a hike, go swimming, play frisbee, play a game of touch football, tennis or wiffleball. There are so many ways we can celebrate and still stay active, especially if we are enjoying this beautiful holiday outside in the sun. Here's Zach and I out at the batting cage yesterday enjoying the nice weather...Batting Cage. (When you open the link just click "simple" and it will play).

If none of that sounds interesting, here's a fun, quick outdoor workout the whole family can enjoy. The intervals change quickly so that no one gets bored and the exercises fly by.

Enjoy that sunshine, I'll be right here in my office, cheering you on!

How did you get active this beautiful Memorial Day?

1 comment:

  1. is Zach saying bomb or mom? just a little mom humor:)
