Monday, January 5, 2015

Recipes on my Radar

Happy Monday! I'm in between training sessions and enjoying my favorite flavor of Chobani Greek Yogurt- Key Lime! I have a few chopped banana slices thrown in, as well as some blueberries. This combo is delicious and has lots of staying power thanks to the protein the in yogurt. Mondays I need a lot of energy with three classes to teach as well as several clients back to back, my mornings are insane. 

The rest of the day is going to include my first training run for my next race- Run 13.1 Wilmington on February 22nd, as well as a bunch of office work and another Cardio TRX class at 3:30. After that, I'm planning on Hot Yoga at 6 followed by our annual employee party, which should be a good time. 

After creating my organizational list for January  yesterday, I picked out some key recipes/meals that I will be incorporating for the week. This, of course, got me recipe searching all over the place and finding a bunch of stuff I can't wait to try and share with you guys!

Crockpot Mock Beef Tacos- adapted from Peanut Butter Fingers

Slow Cooker Bean and Spinach Enchiladas from Real Simple 

Slow Cooker Spinach Ricotta Lasagna also from Real Simple

Sweet potato and turkey chili from Iowa Girl Eats which I will make vegetarian friendly!

Can you tell I'm attracted to easy? Truth be told I don't have a ton of time to commit to this. I need to be able to shop on Saturdays, cut, cook and portion out a weeks worth of dinners at a time. Lunches are easier as I will just be hard boiling eggs and chopping up tofu to throw in salads I get from the restaurant at work. I'm excited to try some new stuff!

What types of food are you excited about preparing this year?

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