Thursday, January 1, 2015

Becoming the Fire- My 2015 Mantra + a Fitness Challenge

Happy New Year! I hope some of you have made some fitness and health goals that you will pursue with all your hearts, all year long. I look forward to sharing my 2015 journey with anyone who wants to hear (read) about it. I haven't made any specific New Years Resolutions this year, but I am hoping to continue sharing my healthy lifestyle, ideas, tips and living out the words I preach. Instead of resolutions, I have chosen a specific mantra for 2015.

Reflecting back on last year, although a few of the most significant things happened possibly in my entire lifetime, my year was a bit chaotic. I often feel like I am an enemy to myself due to the chaos that is within me. For those who aren't close to me, this would be hard to explain but there are a small handful of people who understand what I mean when I describe the "chaos" that is my brain, heart, intentions and life. Rather than feeling like I'm being thrown into the fire every other week, (sometimes every other day!), I'm going to allow myself to BECOME the FIRE!

With that being said, I probably wont make any specific resolutions or goals this year. The chaos within me has allowed me to become a lofty goal-setter who rarely actually reaches those goals, not because I'm unable to physically or mentally, but because I simply take on too much, too often. I am going to try to focus on My One Word, which also ties into my mantra and involves s l o w i n g down. (Not to worry, I'll share later). Last year my word was joy, and God showed me true joy in so many ways  I would have never expected. And trust me, it was far from sunflowers and daffodils. But, the outcomes, yeah, those were pretty beautiful.

This year is going to be A-MAAZZ-ING! I can just feel it!

So, lets start it off with a Fitness Challenge, why don't we? Here's your January Fitness Challenge, (originally created for my folks at Porters Neck Country Club) but suitable for anyone, any where, all ages and all fitness levels. Have fun!

Share with us:
Do you have any resolutions this year? Or, maybe you were like me and decided to boycott resolutions? I'd love to hear all about it in the comments section!

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