Thursday, October 9, 2014

What's it Take to Enjoy that Pumpkin Pie?

Happy Thursday!

I don't know about you guys but a lot of my exercise around the holidays is solely based on the fact that I know I am going to want to indulge in some treats. Which, we all should, in moderation of course! Life is about enjoyment. Personally, when I overindulge without working out however, it truly takes some of that enjoyment out of it for me! Knowing I have potential weight gain and a halt in progress I've worked hard all year for really takes some of that enjoyment out for me. I've found that staying active during the Holidays is the best way to get enjoyment out of absolutely every fun part of the season!

I don't know about you guys, I'm not a huge fan of Pumpkin pie but I think I'm in the minority on that one. I know my dad is already eyeballing the pies at Costco...

I developed a great reminder for you guys of several activities it would take to burn off one piece of standard pie! I'm sure it's worth it, but don't forget to earn it. :)


  1. Your dad has already polished off his first pie of the season and wasn't allowed a second one....yet.

  2. That is just SHOCKING. I assume he counted the "pumpkin" as a vegetable too huh
