Friday, June 20, 2014

Seven Health/Fitness Related Wants

It's our fourth day of the challenge which means seven wants! Quite the broad topic, eh? I mean who only wants just seven things? I have decided to make mine all fitness/health related!

Seven Health and Fitness Related Wants

1. To run my first full marathon in the year 2014
I am signed up, and training is in progress for my first full marathon! Kiawah Island, South Carolina in December, is supposedly gorgeous and I am planning on going a day early to pick up my race packet, see the sights and get a good night's rest in a comfy bed. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep, but I am definitely going to be nervous!

2. To run an ultra marathon 
My goals in running a marathon are to ultimately, at some point (next few years) run a 30k race and work my way up to a 50 miler. It may be something I absolutely loathe and never do again, but I want to do it at least once.

3. To run a half marathon with Michael
Michael knows that running has become a big part of my life and I think it's absolutely adorable that he is willing to train and try to run a half with me. I'm hoping for either the Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon this year if he's ready!

4. A Bike Trainer
I still have yet to purchase a trainer for me to be able to ride Trekky inside. The nice ones aren't cheap and I just haven't had the money to buy one, but now that I am cross training on a bike two days a week, I'd love to park my trainer conveniently in front of my TV playing Netflix and coast with the Fitness Pups nearby!

5. A new living space
So my apartment not only is 30 minutes away from work without traffic, but it also only has a stand up shower. There are some days, especially after long races, when all I want to do is ice bath my legs like I used to do in college. Unfortunately, I either need a backyard so that I can purchase a kiddie pool to fill with water and ice or a normal shower!

6. To go to a Wanderlust Festival
Wanderlust is a yoga festival focused around activities like meditation, hiking outdoors, yoga classes, learning to be present, healthy food etc. You attend for a weekend and schedule events throughout the day based on the classes they are offering. They look like so much fun!

7. To run Rock n' Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon
This race starts at the strip and is a night race through the crazy hustle and bustle of the city! If you've ever seen the strip lit up at night, you know how cool it would be to run an organized race through this with Rock n' Roll bands playing along the way.

What are some fitness related things you have been wanting?

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