Thursday, March 6, 2014

Training Thursday- Create Your Own Tabata Workout

If you haven't heard about Tabata training- basically it was a training process thought up by a guy with the last name guessed it...Tabata. Pretty much, he took a strength training workout and broke each move down into the following work:rest ratios to increase the intensity and up the calorie burning for a fast, effective training style.

20 seconds work, 10 seconds off x 8 sets 
Total: 4 minutes per move

The Tabata training protocol is great for a few reasons:
  • Great way to mix up a normal strength training routine
  • Blast a lot of calories in a short period of time
  • They not only incorporate strength, but muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance
  • You can choose literally ANY movement you want and make it Tabata style
  • Research has shown that people using this style of training improved their VO2 max within just a few weeks. (VO2 max is one of our main tools to test heart and aerobic efficiency).
I use Tabata intervals all the time- for my own training, as well as incorporating Tabata intervals into the classes that I teach.

Here's how you can create your own Tabata workout:

1. Warm up for 5-10 minutes
2. Choose 4-5 moves.
3. Apply the Tabata training interval to each move. You will complete all 8 sets of the same move before moving on to the next.  At 4 minutes each, this will take you between 16-24 minutes depending on number of moves and how long you take to rest in between each move.
4. Cool down and stretch.


Try it out! Let me know what you did and how it went.


  1. What a coincidence, I was just going to suggest you include a piece on orangeslicata's, except I go with 10 orange slices per session before resting! Good for the vitamin c and my RMD of citris!

    1. All those orange slices are putting you into a sugar coma!!! That's why you need so much rest.
