Thursday, December 5, 2013

You Know You've Become a Runner When...

Are you a crazy runner? Identify with some of these and you might just be well on your way!

1. The only date you've had lately is with the treadmill.
2. You have a love/hate relationship with deep tissue massage.
3. You have only downloaded songs that would be "good to run to" lately.

4. You wear your Garmin watch, even when you're not running.
5. Everything else in your daily agenda is scheduled around your runs.
6. Strength training workouts are organized around prepping you to feel the best during your long run for the week.
7. You go to sleep with a water bottle next to your bed, and still have to refill it at least twice in the middle of the night.

8. The only intimate relationship you have is with your foam roller.
9. You take "you're crazy" as a compliment.
10. You understand that amazing "after morning run" feeling.
11. The thoughts, "Do I really have to cross train" pop into your mind. Can't I just go for a run?
12. You feel the most at home when you're out of your comfort zone.
13. Despite what emotions you may be feeling, running is always the answer!

14. Your hair is more often in a headband than not.
15. Running tights have become every day apparel.
16. You know the importance of upgrading socks, underwear and sports bras. Once you buy nice ones, you can never go back.
17. Your success is measured by sweat.
18.  Your have snored louder and slept deeper lately  than ever before.
19.The happiest moment of your day is when that first bead of sweat drips from your chin onto the floor.

20. A bagel with peanut butter ALWAYS sounds good.
21. You have more sports bras than regular bras.
22. Your playlists are titled something like "R&B Long Runs, Upbeat Sprint Intervals, Motivation Steady State Cardio, Songs that Get me Up Hills," etc
23. You've spent insane amounts of time on a treadmill because it was pouring out and you just had to get that long run in.
24. You get more excited about a new GU flavor than the holiday drinks at Starbucks.

25. Pigeon pose is your favorite stretch because it just hurts so good.
26. When you have an errand to run that is nearby, your first thoughts are, I should probably just run there.
27. When checking into a hotel, your first question is, "where is the fitness center?" followed by, "where can I go running around here?"
28. You get legitimately pissed when casual walkers on a trail don't move an inch for you to run by.
29. Snot rockets are an essential part of life.

30. You find gummy bears and chapstick washed in your running tights at least once a week.

Question of the Morning:
What is one thing you do that makes you identify with crazy runners?

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