Monday, July 7, 2014

Typical Foodie Post

Happy Monday! 

We have a 10 Day Challenge to complete today and I have eaten lots of yummy food the past few days with Michael in town spoiling me to death, so today is going to be full of mouth-watering photos!

But first, let me take a #selfie! Here it is, the final day of the 10 Day You Challenge, a photo of myself. 

And to be completely honest, this a very realistic photo of how you can usually catch me on a day to day basis. Workout attire, hair up...hopefully a smile on my face!

Weekend Recap

Friday night, Michael and I took advantage of the fact that one of the most popular restaurants in town would be slower than normal since everyone would be out enjoying Independence Day festivities. We were right! We got seated right away at Indochine and I enjoyed a Tomago Roll and Crunchy Tofu Brocolli Salad in Peanut Sauce.

Embarrassingly enough, I was asleep before it got dark so there was no firework watching for this girl. Michael and I decided we would rather stay in with the pups and avoid the craziness of downtown.

Yesterday was our favorite breakfast spot in town, Salt Works. I get the same thing every single time I go- egg and cheddar cheese on a bagel with a side of hash browns. 

They melt the cheese by sticking it inside the folded up egg for a moist ooey gooey goodness that is melt in your mouth, savory amazingness.

After stopping by Omega Sports to stock up on Nuun tabs and GU's for the next few weeks, I went home for a seven mile challenge that I have spent the last few weeks preparing for. This run wasn't too long in particular compared to the last few weeks of 11-milers, but I had a specific pace to hit yesterday that was going to determine how well I had been training. I had three miles at an easy pace followed by four miles at a 9:45 min/mile pace. This is pretty quick for me, and I haven't maintained anything faster than 10 min/mile since I began just under 20 weeks ago. 

I am super happy to say, my conditioning has certainly been working. I averaged a 9:25 min/mile pace for my last four, crushing my goal pace. Guess I have some good coaching, eh? Afterward, I enjoyed Flaming Amy's for the second time in the last few days. We love Flaming Amy's Burrito Barn. Michael always gets burrito's, where as I change up my order every time I go because all their food is amazing!

 Crunchy Tofu Salad

I'm at work until about 4:15 today and then spending the evening with Michael before he leaves early tomorrow morning to head back to Portland. :(

I hope you guys have a fantastic Monday!

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