Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Are Body Types Really a Thing?

The answer is plain and simple, yes!

Do they have to define your limits in terms of exercise and nutrition? Only if you let them.

Just like the rest of our genetic predispositions whether they be cancer, alcoholism, depression, Alzheimer disease etc, your body type is just another variable that must be considered in this ongoing battle for a healthy and fulfilling life. Becoming aware of which category you fall in is important for a number of reasons. Not only will you be able to better train and fuel your body, you will start to be able to truly grasp the concept that "No one physical fitness routine or diet is right for everyone." I've been saying that since I started this blog, but this may better illustrate that for you.

I-Type also known as the Ectomorph

Visual Traits
  • Genetically skinny/thin/slim, likely tall and slender with a small chest.
  • Light muscle mass.
  • Seem to be very fidgety. 
  • The people you know who you swear "can eat whatever they want and never gain weight."
Physiological Traits

  • Great endurance athletes, typically have difficulty gaining muscular strength but tend to be some of the best cardiovascular athletes.

  •  Fast metabolism.

  •  Their sympathetic nervous system is dominant, so they burn a lot more energy through daily activity.

  • Very sensitive to catecholamines- basically they go crazy on coffee. 

  •  They handle carbohydrates better so we recommend more carbs than fat for these individuals and moderate protein intake. 

  • V Type or the Endomorph

    Visual Traits
    • Tend to store fat quicker and easier than other body types.
    • Typically have a very "chill" nature about them (opposite spectrum of the fidgety ectomorph).
    • They are the type of people that swear "I ate one piece of bread last night and gained 5lbs!" 
    Physiological Traits
    • Para-sympathetic nervous system dominant, meaning they don't naturally burn calories at a high rate just sitting around.
    • Slower metabolism.
    • They are highly carb sensitive so they do well on a higher fat/lower carb/moderate protein type diet. 

    O Type or the Mesomorph

    Visual Traits
    • Naturally more muscular, typically powerful, athletic frame.
    • Higher bone density.
    • Typically have a higher body temperature, they are often warm or hot.
    Physiological Traits
    • Growth hormone and testosterone are naturally higher.
    • Very anabolic, meaning the calories they take in, regardless of what they are from, typically go to building and repairing muscle. 
    • Do well on a mixed diet of complex carbs, lean proteins and heart healthy fats.
    Can you identify which body type you are? Does your diet match the suggestions for you?

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