Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Power of a Positive Go-Getter

My dad always used to tell me, "Good things happen when you hit the ball hard." If I were to swing and miss, I have zero chance of getting on base. If I hit the ball, I might get lucky if it falls in a gap or someone makes an error, but most likely, I'd probably get thrown out. But, if I hit the ball HARD, it's either going to fall into a gap, be unplayable, or it's gonna leave the ball park! So I tried, every at bat, to get in the box and swing HARD, and GO GET that base hit. In my opinion, this same mindset can be used for our approach every single day. No one is going to hand anyone anything, especially in the world we live in today. Anything we want, we have to GO GET ourselves, in almost a sort of attack mode.

When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thought that runs across your sleepy brain?

"I sooooo need more sleep than this. I can't believe I agreed to get up this early for (insert client/class/work/good deed here)."

"How many sick days do I have left....?"

"Who else SERIOUSLY works out this early. I deserve a day off, I don't really feel well anyway, and there's that blister on my foot, I totally can't get hydrated in time and it's like 105% humidity out, I'm going back to sleep."

I have found myself very guilty of my own negative thoughts first thing in the morning. The more negativity I sense in myself, the more I want that to change! No one can choose positivity for us but ourselves. And it's not going to just come strolling in through the door with a magical breakfast of Cinnabons that make you lose weight and an extra check for the work you are going to do today. Positivity is something we have to GO GET. Getting it and maintaining it can be challenging, but the power of positivity is that it can change your entire outlook on life, and the outcomes of every single thing you do each day. Here's a few things you can do to try to switch on your "positive" light switch first thing each morning, and GO GET that positive, fulfilling, successful day. 

1. First thing, every single morning write down one thing you are thankful for that day. I put a small notebook on the table by my door to remind me before I leave my apartment, to make sure I do this activity before I rush out the door. I'm always in a hurry in the morning so as long as it happens before I walk out for the day, I have chosen to set the tone for my entire day, on a positive note. If you are someone who works a little later than I do, you may get a chance to eat breakfast and read the paper (aka twitter and/or Facebook) before you go about your morning routine. If you're one of these people, I would do it VERY FIRST thing, (okay, maybe after you use the restroom). I have been using the "List one thing God has done for you today," prompt instead, but even for those who aren't religious, listing one thing you are grateful for works just as well! 

2. Take five minutes at the beginning of your week to sit down, alone, close your eyes and imagine yourself....succeeding. Did you know that the mind always tries to complete what it pictures? If absolutely everything were to go right this week, what would that look and feel like? Imagine it, then stamp it into your mind and GO GET that great week. Remember the way you felt during this moment of self-meditation, and then each day throughout the week when difficult obstacles are thrown your way, think back on that moment. Remember how you felt, what you envisioned in that brief moment and refocus your mind to those goals. Hold on to this picture of yourself, your successful self, tenaciously. Just like only you can set the tone, and be a go-getter of your dreams, only you can allow this picture of yourself to fade. You must keep it vivid and real throughout the week. Make a true estimate of your ability. Be honest with yourself, what are you really capable of? Take whatever that is, and double it. If you reach for that extra amount, if you happen to miss it, you'll be at that original goal anyway! 

3. Counteract any negative self talk with an immediate positive response. When your mind wanders to a negative thought, deliberately voice a positive response to cancel out the negative thought.

4. Avoid the dreaded build up of anxious scenarios that are likely to never happen. Does anyone else do this at night? I have this very weird, and very obnoxious habit of taking one negative thought and playing out a snowball effect of the absolute worst scenarios that could come of it. These scenarios never play out the way I have them in my head at the time, but I will literally take one tiny negative from my day and create a completely delusional problem in my head that keeps me awake at night, anxious and worrying. 

5. Stomp out worry. Easier said than done but here's the deal... you should only worry about things that are within your control. If they are within your control, then you can change them, so GO GET UP and make the change. If they are out of your control, then there is zero gained from worrying, because no matter how much or little you worry, you can't change the outcome. Find a way to recognize your worrying or anxious feelings and ask yourself, "is this within my control?" If it is, do something to change it to make it less worrisome. If it's not, let it go.

6. Remember, there is no one else as uniquely you, as you! No one else can be you, as efficiently as you can be you. And I say this at the end of my Friday classes every single week to my ladies, "You are perfect, exactly as you are!" Moving towards getting better, all the time, is as close to perfection as any of us can get. So keep being you, keep moving towards success and positivity, and remember that you're perfect just the way you are, right now. :) There is absolutely nothing gained by being envious or awestruck of anyone else in this world. You will never be them, and they will never be you. So be the best you, that you can!

7. Be knowledgeable of yourself. Be mindful of your body, get to know yourself both physically and mentally, what your heart can handle and the things that set you off emotionally. You must safeguard yourself first and foremost, and know your value. Then, find that focused, positive mindset and put it to work! GO GET your dreams!

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