Friday, July 11, 2014

Four Friday Finds Worth Sharing

Happy Friday!

I have found some awesome stuff this week, had to share!

Find #1- An Article Worth Reading

I read a great article this morning by bestselling author, Paul C. Brunson titled, 20 Successful Habits I learned Working for Two Billionaires. You can find it here. My favorites were #7 and #8 and I know I can personally work on #9- take enormous risks. I'm such a creature of habit who likes to play the safe game when it comes to my professional life. I feel more comfortable doing what I know works rather than trusting my intuition and reaching outside the box sometimes.

Find #2- Advice Worth Taking

I also thought this quote from that article was great and very much true: "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." - Jim Rohn. I believe that we are not only a product of our surroundings, but a even more so, a product of our thoughts and attitude. The people we surround ourselves with the most definitely play a role in the attitude we take on in our day to day lives.

Find #3- A Strength Move Worth Trying

With a light kettlebell (or dumbbell), get into a side plank or modified side plank position as shown above with your bottom hip touching the floor. Simultaneously lift the bottom hip off the floor as your top arm presses straight up, then slowly control both down together. Complete 15 press ups before switching sides. Great for abdominals, obliques and shoulders!

Find #4- A Skinny Dessert Worth Dipping Into

I adapted this recipe from

  • -1 Package Instant Oreo Pudding Mix
  • -1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • -1 Cup Skim Milk
Other Optional Add-Ins
-Fat Free Cool Whip (to taste)
-1 Graham Cracker, crumbled

  1. Combine pudding mix with cold milks and stir. 
  2. Once it starts to solidify, refrigerate for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Add optional ingredients and enjoy with fruit, graham crackers etc!
Makes 8 servings, 100 calories per serving

Now, it's your turn! Share something with us that you found this week!

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